
1=Loups=Garous is a 2010 animated science fiction film. It was directed by Junichi Fujisaku and produced by Production I.G and TransArts. The movie was released on August 28, 2010, and features music by the rock band SCANDAL, who are also featured in the film as cameos. It is licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks and in United Kingdom by Manga UK. It is available for purchase on DVD and Blu-ray.


Based on the original novel by Natsuhiko Kyogoku, the story takes place sometime in the future. A deadly virus that has spread worldwide, has drastically reduced the world's population. Now, people have to eat synthetic food made out of sunflower seeds and must avoid any physical contact whatsoever. Only community centers exist, and people can only communicate online. However, a group of girls have pursued real contact outside of the society. When a series of brutal murders occur, it is up to them to see the dark secrets hidden in the closed-off world they live in.


;Hazuki Makino
;Ayumi Kono
;Mio Tsuzuki
;Myao Rei
;Yuko Yabe
;Ryu Kawabata
;Yuji Nakamura
;Shizue Fuwa
;Touji Kunugi
;Riichiro Ishida