Lost & Found Music Studios

Lost & Found Music Studios is a Canadian musical-drama children's series created by Frank van Keeken and aired by Family Channel in Canada, CBBC in the United Kingdom, and Netflix in global territories. It is a music-centered spin-off of the dance-focused The Next Step, using a similar mockumentary format and sharing characters and locations; the main characters of Lost & Found initially appeared in the third season of The Next Step. The series premiered on December 11, 2015 on Family Channel.


"A live music venue, recording studio and jam space, Lost & Found is an amazing place where young musicians go to become great. Members immerse themselves in music, write songs record tracks and form bands in hopes of turning their passion into a profession. But, if making it in the music industry wasn’t hard enough, these aspiring artists also have to deal with the many issues teens face including first crushes, peer pressure, difficult home lives and trying to fit in."



Season 1 (2015-16)

Season 2 (2016-17)