Los Chiles (canton)

Los Chiles is the 14th canton in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 28,694. The capital city of the canton is also called Los Chiles.


The canton lies along the border of Nicaragua at the top of the Llanura de San Carlos in north central Costa Rica. The Río Pocosol forms the southeastern boundary of the canton, with the Río Rita, Río Mónico, Río Frío and the Río Purgatorio establishing the southwestern border. This is a low-lying, sparsely settled region primarily devoted to large agricultural enterprises.


The canton of Los Chiles is subdivided into four districts :
  1. Los Chiles
  2. Caño Negro
  3. El Amparo
  4. San Jorge


The canton was established by a decree of March 17, 1970.