Loreto Secondary School, Navan

Loreto Secondary School, St. Michael's, is an all-girls secondary school serving the town of Navan, Ireland and the greater Meath catchment area. The school is situated on the banks of the River Boyne, and entry to the school is via Convent Road, or the Boyne Road. Loreto Secondary School, St. Michael's opened in 1833.


The Loreto Sisters St. Michael's Convent adjoins the main and oldest part of the school, with a day-care centre for the elderly situated at the side. The staff numbers approximately 52 which includes two career guidance counsellors, two home school links/pastoral guides, teachers of academic subjects, specialist teachers, and ancillary staff.

Mission statement

The school's mission statement reads: "Within a positive environment based on Christian values, and with a strong social justice focus, St. Michael’s students are encouraged to avail of all opportunities to develop to their true creative, academic, personal and spiritual potential."


In the early 1980s a decision made by the sisters to focus on justice as a central part of the education of young people led the Navan school to look at the place of social justice in the school curriculum. As a result of this, a special post was created to promote social justice in the school. Initially this involved one teacher but now has developed into a committee involving teachers and students. "Social justice week" is held in March every year. During this week guest speakers are invited into school to highlight issues of poverty and inequality, racism and refugees, human rights and care of the environment. Adi Roche, Founder and Executive Director of Chernobyl Children's Project, gave the opening address at this year's Social Justice Week, from 6 March-10 March.

Extra curriculum

They provide a variety of sports at both competitive and non-competitive levels. Our teams participate in local, regional and national leagues and have achieved a high measure of success. They include hockey, camogie, Gaelic football, basketball, fitness classes, athletics and soccer.

Notable alumnae