London Green Party
The London Green Party is the regional party of the Green Party of England and Wales that operates in Greater London.Current representatives
As of April 2020, Green Party has representation in 4 out of 33 London councils, in which it sits in the opposition.
National party co-leaders Jonathan Bartley and Siân Berry both sit in London borough councils: Bartley in Lambeth, and Berry in Camden.
Council | Councillors |
Camden | |
Islington | |
Lambeth | |
Richmond upon Thames | |
Former representatives
- Jean Lambert
- Scott Ainslie
Electoral results
The table below shows the London Green Party's results at UK general elections since the area of Greater London was created.The table below shows the results gained by the London Green Party in elections to the European Parliament. From 1979 to 1994, MEPs were elected from 10 individual constituencies by first-past-the-post; since 1999, MEPs were elected from a London-wide regional list by proportional representation.London Assembly elections
London Mayoral elections