LkCa 15

LkCa 15 is a T Tauri star in the Taurus-Auriga Star Forming Region. These types of stars are relatively young pre-main-sequence stars that show irregular variations in brightness. It has a mass that is about 97% of the Sun, an effective temperature of 4370 K, slightly cooler than the Sun. Its apparent magnitude is 11.91, meaning it is not visible to the naked eye.
LkCa 15 is surrounded by a protoplanetary disk, typical of many T Tauri stars. The disk around the star is about 55 times more massive than Jupiter. Small changes in the observed brightness of the disk may be due to a planetary companion; the star likely has a protoplanetary object or exoplanet orbiting it, known as LkCa 15 b This name stems from an older survey.