Livradois-Forez Regional Natural Park

Livradois-Forez Regional Natural Park is a regional natural park located on three French department : Puy-de-Dôme, Haute-Loire and Loire. The two biggest urban areas are Thiers and Ambert. Courpière, Billom and Vic-le-Comte have a secondary place in the territory.


The park is managed by several structures on a cooperation basis. There is the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Puy-de-Dôme, Haute-Loire and Loire's departments, by 24 EPCI and also by 164 towns certified parc naturel régional. Since March 2008, Tony Bernard, Châteldon's mayor, presides the park. The certified zone of the park covers an area of 311,035 hectares. Its population is of 103 948 inhabitants.

History and creation of the park

Its headquarters, originally in Thiers, is now located in the municipality named Saint-Gervais-sous-Meymont.


Located between the old Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes regions, the park extends 110 km from north to south, in three departments. It's composed of 176 municipalities gathering 103,172 inhabitants in 2014.
The high point of the park corresponds to the high point of the Mountains of Forez and is located in Pierre-sur-Haute on the territory of Job's municipality, in Puy-de-Dôme's department.
Some big geographic zones:

List of the biggest cities of the park on 1 January 2015
communenumber of inhabitants
Thiers11 805
Ambert6 743
Vic-le-Comte 5 027
Billom4 745
Courpière4 234
Puy-Guillaume2 704
Peschadoires2 120
La Monnerie-le-Montel1 772
Saint-Rémy-sur-Durolle1 757
Celles-sur-Durolle1 749
Noirétable1 611
The park is constituted of two major cities, Thiers and Ambert. There are other urban areas but less important.
The majority of the biggest cities in the park tend to see its population decrease. Meanwhile, Thiers the biggest city of the park, increase.


We can find various raptors in the Livradois-Forez regional natural park : pigeons, hawk, circaete Jean-le-Blanc, red kite, buzzard, harrier Saint-Martin, gray buzzard, tengmalm owl, little owl, etc.
The Black woodpecker and the Ring ouzel can also be seen in the park.


Apart from its punctual participation as a supporter, editor of numerous books published by various editors of the region, the Park released a twice yearly 8 page magazine, Journal du Parc naturel régional Livradois-Forez, which contents are linked to the environment protection, social life, traditions and culture.

Films shot in the Livradois-Forez Regional Natural

Before the creation of the parc