Live Freaky! Die Freaky!

Live Freaky Die Freaky is a stop motion-animated, musical independent film directed by John Roecker. It is a black comedy based on the Charles Manson murders. It premiered on DVD in the United States on January 17, 2006 and played in a few theatres on January 20, 27 and 28.


The film starts out with a futuristic Nomad from the year 3069 who accidentally discovers the book "Helter Skelter" while searching for food in a desert on the former site of Los Angeles. He mistakes the book as the Bible, and reads it as if Charles Hanson is the messiah. As he reads, we flash back to 1969 where Susan Hatkins meets Charlie during a bad LSD trip. Charlie then renames her Hadie and she is accepted into his family where they plan things to change the world, and make music. After finding out that the snobby, nature hating actress Sharon Hate is supposed to be filming a movie in the desert where they are living, Charlie and the family plot to kill her. Charlie claims to get messages through songs, such as "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles, which tell him to kill Sharon Hate.
Soon after brutally murdering Sharon Hate and her friends, Hay and Abigail, the family goes after the Ha Biancas, after Mr. Ha Bianca decided to build a parking lot, which would cover the entire desert, in Sharon Hate's honor. They kill him and his wife, and are later found by the police in the desert, after which they have a trial and are sentenced to death by gassing, electric chair, and hanging til dead.
We go back to the Nomad in 3069 who carves an X in his forehead and uses Charlie Manson as a sort of Messiah.


This movie contains performances by many well known rock artists such as:
And many extras such as:
  1. Overture
  2. No Sense Makes Sense
  3. ... It Was A Big And Beautiful Dream...
  4. Charlie?
  5. Bad Vibrations
  6. These Three Holes!
  7. Mechanical Man
  8. Cafe 666
  9. This Upside Down River
  10. Strangle A Tree
  11. The Pass Where The Devil Can See
  12. Creepy Crawl
  13. Healter Skelter
  14. August 9
  15. Buzzsaw Twist
  16. Folie A' Famille
  17. All The Good Things
  18. I Am Just A Reflection Of You
  19. We Watch You As You Sleep
  20. Light Fires In Your Cities
  21. Live Freaky Die Freaky