
Live2D is a technique of generating animated 2D graphics, usually anime-style characters, using layered, continuous parts based on a single illustration, without the need of animating frame-by-frame or creating a 3D model. Live2D is also the name of an eponymous animation software series employing the technique and the software' developer company, created by Japanese programmer Tetsuya Nakajo.
The software, and its underlying technique, enable users to animate their illustration by providing an illustration prepared in layered parts that constitute the original illustration, such as its eyes, mouth and arms, and stitch the parts on a skeleton to generate animation. The Live2D Ltd. provides the software and SDKs under commercial licenses and for free.
Live2D has been used in a wide variety of video games, visual novels, virtual YouTuber shows, and other software. Well known examples includes FaceRig, Nekopara, Azur Lane, and, a virtual avatar and YouTube celebrity from 's facial motion capture app.


Visual novels

Some software programs are able to create animated avatars by combining the Live2D system with real-time motion capture, including: