Liu Pang-yu

Liu Pang-yu was a Taiwanese politician. He served as the Magistrate of Taoyuan County from 1989 until his death in 1996. Taoyuan County is now Taoyuan City, and the office of the Magistrate is now the office of the Mayor.


The Control Yuan indicted Liu due to his role in a corruption case involving the extracting of around $360 million U.S. dollars from the Chungli Farmers' Association. Liu also had been placed under investigation in a separate land speculation deal. Asiaweek reported that some people said that he forged his master's degree. For seven years prosecutors attempted to place Liu in prison.


On November 21, 1996, Liu and seven others died in an "execution style" shooting at his residence. A county councilor survived the incident but suffered serious head injuries, memory loss, and a severed spinal cord.
Police believe that two killers entered the residence in the early morning, surprising the guards, who were about to change shifts. After subduing the guards, the killers took the guards' guns and bullets, rounded up the occupants of the residence, and bound them. After blindfolding the victims and forcing them to kneel, the killers shot them in their heads. The killers stole a car from one of the victims ; a secretary was still in the car, but she was left at the base of Hutou Mountain, where the killers stopped to rendezvous with their accomplices and abandon the stolen car.

Residence Occupants

Authorities have not solved the crime; some Taiwanese police believe that Chinese gang members recruited from "a local group" killed Liu and the others. Some investigators believe that "conflicts of interest" in Liu's politics led to his death. Others believe that Liu's guards may have been involved in gambling.
One of the key suspects in Liu's murder, Yang Shih-kang escaped police custody in 1999. He had a history of abducting politicians and smuggling weapons, which led police to suspect him for Liu's murder. Yang was initially arrested in 1999 after returning to Taiwan; while under police escort to locate his hidden weapon caches, Yang overpowered his escort and escaped with the help of accomplices. Yang was later detained in 2003 in Xiamen on an unrelated robbery charge.
The statute of limitations ran out in 2016, closing the case, which prompted some DPP lawmakers to propose the removal of the twenty-year statute for murder cases and major economic crimes.


At the time the shooting was the deadliest mass murder in Taiwanese history, and Liu was the only high-ranked government official to be assassinated in his term. The nature of the shootings and the photographs of the aftermath shocked the Taiwanese.
A special by-election was held on to fill the vacant office of Taoyuan County Magistrate; Annette Lu of the Democratic Progressive Party was elected, defeating Kuomintang candidate Fang Li-hsiu and breaking the KMT hold on the office. The execution-style slaying of Liu was thought to have revealed governmental corruption, which was cited as one reason Lu won, despite pre-election polls predicting a KMT victory.
Liu's death, along with two later well-publicized murder cases, led to mass demonstrations in May 1997. Demonstrators marched on and, demanding Premier Lien Chan's resignation over the perceived rise in violent crime as evidenced by the then-unsolved murders of Pai Hsiao-yen, Peng Wan-ru, and Liu Pang-yu.