Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Rachmaninoff)

Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Op. 31, is a musical work by Sergei Rachmaninoff, one of his two major unaccompanied choral works. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is the primary worship service of the Eastern Orthodox Church.


Rachmaninoff composed the work in July, 1910 at his summer estate Ivanovka, following his American tour of 1909. Writing to his friend Nikita Morozov, Rachmaninoff said of the work, "I have been thinking about the Liturgy for a long time and for a long time I strove to write it. I started to work on it somehow by chance and then suddenly became fascinated with it. And then I finished it very quickly. Not for a long time have I written anything with such pleasure."
The work premiered November 25, 1910 in Moscow. Russian Orthodox ecclesiastical authorities strongly objected to the work's "spirit of modernism" and refused to sanction it for use during church services. Rachmaninoff did nothing to promote the work himself, and it soon fell into obscurity.
A portion of the Liturgy was given in concert performance in New York on January 24, 1914 by the male choir of the Russian Cathedral of St. Nicholas, conducted by Ivan Gorokhov.
A new edition, reconstructed from surviving part books at an Orthodox monastery in the U.S. and microfilm at the U.S. Library of Congress, was published by Anthony Antolini in 1988. This reconstruction was the subject of a PBS documentary entitled "Rediscovering Rachmaninoff", produced by KTEH television in San Jose, California.


The Liturgy consists of twenty movements for unaccompanied mixed choir. Three contain solo passages: Movement 2 for alto, Movement 10 for Bass, and Movement 12, for treble or soprano. Two are scored for double choir.
The twenty movements are these:
Church SlavonicTransliteratedEnglish
1Великая ектенияVelikaya ekteniyaThe Great Litany
2Благослови, душе моя, ГосподаBlagoslovi, dushe moya, GospodaThe First Antiphon: Bless the Lord, О My Soul
3Слава отцу - единородный СынеSlava otsu - edinorodnyy SyneThe Second Antiphon: Glory Be to the Father - Only-Begotten Son
4Во царствие ТвоемVo tsarstvie TvoemThe Third Antiphon: In Your Kingdom
5Приидите, поклонимсяPriidite, poklonimsyaThe Little Entrance: Come, Let Us Worship
6Господи, спаси благочестивыяGospodi, spasi blagochestivyyaTrisagion: Lord, We Pray That You May Be Merciful
7Сугубая ектенияSugubaya ekteniyaThe Augmented Litany
8Херувимская песньKherubimskaya pesn'Cherubic Hymn
9Просительная ектенияPrositel'naya ekteniyaThe Litany of Supplication
10Символ веры: веруюSimvol very: veruyuCredo
11Милость мираMilost' miraThe Eucharistic Prayer: A Mercy Of Peace
12Тебе поемTebe poemWe Praise Thee
13Достойно естьDostoyno est'Hymn to the Mother of God: It Is Truly Meet
14Отче нашOtche nashThe Lord's Prayer: Our Father
15Един святEdin svyatOne Is Holy
16Хвалите Господа с небесKhvalite Gospoda s nebesCommunion Hymn: Praise the Lord From The Heavens
17Благословен граду - Видихом светBlagosloven gradu - Vidikhom svetBlessed Is He - We Have Seen the Light
18Да исполнятся уста нашаDa ispolnyatsya usta nashaHymn Of Praise: Let Our Mouths Be Filled
19Буди имя ГосподнеBudi imya GospodneBlessed Be the Name of the Lord
