List of subcamps of Auschwitz

The Auschwitz concentration camp complex was a system of concentration camps run by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland from 1940 to 1945. The main camp was Auschwitz I. Auschwitz II, or Birkenau, was a concentration and extermination camp, and became the most notorious of the camps. Auschwitz III, or Monowitz, was a labour camp.
In addition to the three largest camps, Auschwitz consisted of several subcamps. The satellite camps were named Aussenlager, Nebenlager, and Arbeitslager. Several lay within of the main camp, with prisoner populations ranging from dozens to several thousand.

KL Auschwitz


As the size and purpose of Auschwitz changed during World War II, its structure and chain of command changed too. From 1940 to late 1943, Auschwitz I was the Stammlager and the other camps were subordinate to it. In November 1943 Birkenau and Monowitz became independent camps with their own commandants, although the commandant of Auschwitz I remained the senior officer. Auschwitz I and Birkenau were placed back under one command in November 1944, and Auschwitz III was named Monowitz.


The known subcamps of the Auschwitz complex included: