List of regional and local political parties in Denmark

This list shows all local and regional political parties in Denmark, who ran in the latest local elections, as well as local and regional parties established before that. Local and regional parties in Denmark are commonly knowns as local lists, citizens' lists or common lists. Those parties are not required to follow the same formats for political parties as the ordinary parties. Furthermore, the name of the party does not have to be approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Local and regional parties only run for local and regional elections.

Regional parties

A regional party is a party that has run in more than one municipality within only one of the five regions of Denmark. Parties that run in municipalities in different regions is considered to be a nationwide party. A regional party can, alternatively, be a party that only runs for regional elections and not municipal or general elections.

Parties in bold has at least one seat in the respective region's regional council. Parties crossed out have been dissolved or is otherwise inactive.

[North Denmark Region]

Local parties are parties that run for local elections in only a single municipality.

Parties in bold has at least one seat in the respective municipality's municipal council. Parties crossed out have been dissolved or is otherwise inactive.

[Albertslund Municipality]

[Ballerup Municipality]

[Billund Municipality]

[Esbjerg Municipality]

[Helsingør Municipality]

[Jammerbugt Municipality]

[Lolland Municipality]

[Middelfart Municipality]

[Roskilde Municipality]

[Vejle Municipality]