List of prizes known as the Nobel of a field or the highest honors of a field
Several fields of human cultural and scientific development are not included in the list of Nobel Prizes, because they are either not among the prizes established as part of Alfred Nobel's will nor, in the case of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, sponsored afterwards by the Nobel Foundation. While the foundation has discouraged individuals and organizations that have used the Nobel name to refer to prizes not meeting the aforementioned criteria, several prominent individuals and organizations have nonetheless used the label "Nobel Prize of X" to refer to highly prestigious awards in fields of activity not recognized by the "real" Nobel Prizes. These awards are listed below.
While the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was not originally endowed by Alfred Nobel, it is sponsored and administered by the Nobel Foundation, and generally recognized as the "Nobel Prize in Economics." Due to this recognition it is included in the list below.
Prizes sponsored by the Nobel Foundation
Alfred Nobel's last will of 1895 only included five prizes, covering outstanding achievements who confer the "greatest benefit on mankind" in the fields of chemistry, physics, literature, peace, and physiology or medicine. The original Nobel prizes thus includes:- Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Nobel Prize in Physics
- Nobel Prize in Literature
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Prizes not sponsored by the Nobel Foundation
Several prizes in fields of study and achievement not covered by the original Nobel Prizes have been established by various entities. Some have been referred to as the "Nobel Prize of" that particular field, in the vast majority of cases without the approval of the Nobel Foundation. These prizes are generally the highest awards in their fields. For some fields, more than one prestigious prizes are listed below. Some most important prizes in the world are presented in bold. The distinguished prizes not conferred by the Nobel Foundation include :Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Applied Sciences
Applied mathematics
- John von Neumann Lecture Prize
- Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize 1
- George David Birkhoff Prize 2
- Norbert Wiener Prize 2
- Kavli Prize in Astrophysics
- Gruber Prize in Cosmology
- Crafoord Prize in Astronomy
- Shaw Prize in Astronomy
- IEEE Control Systems Award
- Giorgio Quazza Medal
- Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize
- Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award
- Marconi Prize
- IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
Computer science
- [|Turing] Award
- IEEE John von Neumann Medal
- Computer Pioneer Award 1
- IMU Abacus Medal 2
Electrical engineering
- IEEE Medal of Honor
- Faraday Medal
- Edison Medal
Energy research
- ENI Award
- Fermi Award
- Global Energy Prize
- Charles Stark Draper Prize
- John Fritz Medal
- Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering
Information technology
- W. Wallace McDowell Award
- C&C Prize
- :jp:大川賞|Okawa Prize
- Mountbatten Medal
Information theory
- Claude E. Shannon Award
- IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal
Materials research
- :de:Von Hippel Award|Von Hippel Award
- MRS Medal
- Abel Prize
- Fields Medal 1
- Chern Medal 2
- Wolf Prize in Mathematics 3
Mechanical engineering
- Nadai Medal Materials Division
- ASME Medal
- Timoshenko Medal
- James Watt International Gold Medal
- Kavli Prize in Nanoscience
- Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology
Operations research
- John von Neumann Theory Prize
- Frederic Ives Medal/Jarus W. Quinn Prize
- IEEE Photonics Award
- SPIE Gold Medal
Quantum information science
- :de:International Quantum Communication Award|International Quantum Communication Award
- Micius Quantum Prize
- Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing 1
- Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Award
- International Prize in Statistics
- COPSS Presidents' Award 1
- Millennium Technology Prize
- Lemelson–MIT Prize, which is dubbed as the "Nobel Prize of inventing" or "Oscar for inventors," awarded to outstanding mid-career inventors who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and have received a bachelor's degree within 25 years, as well as Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognized distinguished inventors whose pioneering spirit and inventiveness throughout their careers improved society and inspired others
- Honda Prize, an international award that acknowledges the efforts of an individual or group who contribute new ideas which may lead the next generation in the field of ecotechnology, sometimes referred to as the "Nobel Prize in technology" since it has put a spotlight on achievements in a variety of fields based on a wide perspective in the future, including two Turing-awarded artificial intelligence accomplishments
Biological Sciences, Cognitive Sciences and Health Sciences
- Russ Prize
- Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award
- Crafoord Prize in Biosciences
- Lasker Award
- Canada Gairdner Award
- Wolf Prize in Medicine
Cognitive science
- Rumelhart Prize
Conservation biology
- Indianapolis Prize
- BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology
Dentistry/oral sciences
- IADR Gold Medal
- IADR Distinguished Scientist Award
Environmental epidemiology
- John Goldsmith Award
- Brain Prize
- Glenn A. Fry Award
Pharmaceutical research
- Prix Galien Award
- Grawemeyer Award
- Kurt-Koffka Medal
Geosciences, Agricultural Sciences and Environmental Sciences
- Wolf Prize in Agriculture
- World Food Prize
- Bertebos Prize
Atmospheric science
- Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal
Earth science
- Crafoord Prize in Geosciences
Environmental science
- Blue Planet Prize
- Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement
- Marcus Wallenberg Prize
- Vautrin Lud Prize
- Vega Medal 1
- Vetlesen Prize
- Wollaston Medal
- Penrose Medal
- International Hydrology Prize
- Robert E. Horton Medal
- Naumann-Thienemann Medal
- International Meteorological Organization Prize
- A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in the Marine Sciences
- Alexander Agassiz Medal
Soil science
- Dokuchaev Award
- Katerva Award
- Goldman Environmental Prize for environmental activism, often referred to as the "Green Nobel"
- Stockholm Water Prize for water-related achievements, known as the "Nobel Prize of water"
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Huxley Memorial Medal and Lecture
- Pritzker Prize
- Praemium Imperiale
- Stockholm Prize in Criminology
- Red Dot Design Award
- Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
- John Bates Clark Medal 1
- Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics
- John von Neumann Award 2
- WISE Prize
- Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics
- IAQF Financial Engineer of the Year
- Fischer Black Prize 1
Human rights
- Martin Ennals Award
- Kluge Prize
- Ernst von Siemens Music Prize
- Polar Music Prize
- Berggruen Philosophy Prize
- Rolf Schock Prize
- Hasselblad Award
Political science
- Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science
- Templeton Prize
Social sciences/sociology
- Holberg Prize
- UNWTO Ulysses Prize
- Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize