List of presidents of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
This is a complete list of the Presidents of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. The Trade Guild of Edinburgh Barbers and Surgeons was incorporated by the granting of a 'Seal of Cause' in 1505 to become 'The Incorporation of Surgeons and Barbers of Edinburgh'. The Incorporation was granted a Royal charter by King George III in 1778, giving it the title of "The Royal College of Surgeons of the City of Edinburgh". Prior to 1778 the President was referred to as the Deacon.
The President is normally elected in November and now serves for 3 years.
List of Presidents
Source:- 2018- Michael Griffin
- 2015-18 Michael Lavell-Jones
- 2012–15 Ian Ritchie
- 2009–12 David Tolley
- 2006–09 John D. Orr
- 2003–06 John Allan Raymond Smith
- 2000–03 Sir John Temple
- 1997–2000 Arnold George Dominic Maran
- 1994–97 Sir Robert Shields
- 1991–94 Patrick Stewart Boulter
- 1989–91 Geoffrey Duncan Chisholm
- 1985–88 Thomas Jaffray McNair
- 1982-85 Sir James Fraser
- 1979–82 Francis John Gillingham
- 1976–79 Andrew Wilkinson
- 1973–76 James Alexander Ross
- 1970–73 Sir Donald Douglas
- 1967–70 James Roderick Johnston Cameron
- 1964–67 George Ian Scott
- 1962-64 James Johnston Mason Brown
- 1957–62 Sir John Bruce
- 1951–56 Sir Walter Mercer
- 1949–51 Walter Quarry Wood
- 1947–49 Francis Jardine
- 1945–47 James Methuen Graham
- 1943–45 Robert William Johnstone
- 1942–43 John William Struthers
- 1939–41 Harry Moss Traquair
- 1937–39 William James Stuart
- 1935–37 Sir Henry Wade
- 1933–35 Arthur Henry Havens Sinclair
- 1931–33 John Dowden
- 1929–31 James Haig Ferguson
- 1927–29 Alexander Miles
- 1925–27 Arthur Logan Turner
- 1923–25 Sir Harold Jalland Stiles
- 1921–23 Sir David Wallace
- 1919–21 George Mackay
- 1917–19 Robert Johnston
- 1914–17 Sir James Hodsdon
- 1912–14 Francis Mitchell Caird
- 1910–12 Sir George Andreas Berry
- 1907–10 Joseph Montagu Cotterill
- 1905–07 Charles MacGillivray
- 1903–05 Sir Patrick Heron Watson
- 1901–03 Sir John Halliday Croom
- 1899–1901 James Dunsmure
19th century
- 1897–99 John Chiene
- 1895–97 John Struthers
- 1893–95 Peter Maclaren
- 1891–93 Robert James Blair Cunynghame
- 1889–91 John Duncan
- 1887–89 Joseph Bell
- 1885–87 Douglas Argyll Robertson
- 1883–84 John Smith
- 1882–83 Sir William Turner
- 1879–82 Francis Brodie Imlach
- 1877–79 Sir Patrick Heron Watson
- 1875–77 Sir Henry Littlejohn
- 1873–75 James Simson
- 1872–73 William Walker
- 1869–72 James Gillespie
- 1867–69 James Spence
- 1865–67 James Dunsmure
- 1863–65 Benjamin Bell
- 1861–63 Patrick Small Newbigging
- 1859–61 Andrew Douglas Maclagan
- 1857–59 Robert Omond
- 1855–57 Andrew Wood
- 1853–55 Archibald Inglis
- 1851–53 James Scarth Combe
- 1849–51 James Syme
- 1848–49 John Argyll Robertson
- 1846–48 Samuel Alexander Pagan
- 1844–46 James Simson
- 1842–44 Andrew Fyfe
- 1840–42 Richard Huie
- 1838–40 Adam Hunter
- 1836–38 George Ballingall
- 1834–36 William Brown
- 1832–34 John Campbell
- 1830–32 John Gairdner
- 1828–30 William Wood, second term
- 1826–28 David Maclagan
- 1824–26 David Hay
- 1822–24 William Wood
- 1820–22 John Henry Wishart
- 1818–20 Alexander Gillespie
- 1816–18 James Bryce
- 1814–16 Sir William Newbigging
- 1812–14 James Law
- 1810–12 Alexander Gillespie
- 1808–10 Andrew Inglis
- 1806–08 William Farquharson
- 1804–06 John Rae
- 1802–04 John Bennet
- 1800–02 James Law
18th century
- 1798–1800 Andrew Wood
- 1796–98 James Russell
- 1794-96 Thomas Hay
- 1792-94 Thomas Wood
- 1790-92 William Inglis
- 1788-90 Andrew Wardrop
- 1786-88 Forrest Dewar
- 1784-86 Thomas Hay
- 1782-84 William Inglis
- 1780-82 William Chalmer
- 1778–80 James Gibson
- 1776–78 Alexander Hamilton
- 1774–76 Andrew Wood
- 1772–74 William Inglis
- 1770–72 David Wardrobe
- 1768–70 Robert Smith
- 1766–68 James Brodie
- 1764–66 James Rae
- 1762–64 Alexander Wood
- 1760–62 John Balfour
- 1758–60 William Chalmer
- 1756–58 Thomas Young
- 1754–56 Robert Walker
- 1752–54 James Russell
- 1750–52 George Cunningham
- 1748-50 Adam Drummond
- 1746-48 George Cunninghame
- 1744-46 George Lauder
- 1742-44 George Langlands
- 1740-42 Alexander Nesbet
- 1739-40 George Cunninghame
- 1737-39 William Mitchel
- 1736–37 John Lauder
- 1734-36 John Kennedy
- 1732-34 John McGill
- 1730–32 John Lauder
- 1728-30 John Kennedy
- 1726-28 John Kirkwood
- 1725-26 John Kennedy
- 1724-25 John Kirkwood
- 1722-24 John Knox
- 1720-22 Robert Hope
- 1718–20 John Lauder
- 1716-18 John McGill
- 1714–16 John Lauder
- 1712–13 John Monro
- 1710-12 Henry Hamilton
- 1708-10 Alexander Nesbet
- 1706-08 John Mirrie
- 1704-06 Henry Hamilton
- 1702-04 James Hamilton
- 1701-02 Alexander Monteith acts in place of Robert Clerk who refuses to accept office
17th century
- 1699-1700 Alexander Monteith
- 1699 Gideon Eliot
- 1697-99 Thomas Dunlop acts in place of Gideon Eliot who refuses to accept office
- 1695-97 Alexander Monteith
- 1693-95 Gideon Eliot
- 1692-93 James Crawford
- 1691-92 John Raynolds
- 1689-91 George Stirling
- 1687-89 John Baillie
- 1685-87 Thomas Edgar
- 1684-85 David Pringle
- 1683-84 David Turnbull
- 1681-83 William Borthwick
- 1679-81 James Nisbet
- 1677-79 George Stirling
- 1675-77 William Borthwick
- 1673-75 John Jossie
- 1671-73 Samwell Cheislie
- 1669-71 Arthur Temple
- 1667-69 Thomas Carter
- 1665-67 Arthur Temple
- 1663-65 Walter Trumble
- 1661-63 William Burnet
- 1659-61 James Borthwick
- 1657-59 James Cleilland
- 1655-57 Thomas Kincaid
- 1652-55 William Burnet
- 1651-52 David Kennedy
- 1648-51 James Borthwick
- 1646-48 David Douglas
- 1644-46 Alexander Pennycuik
- 1642-44 John Scott
- 1641-42 James Rig
- 1640-41 David Douglas
- 1639-40 John Pringle
- 1637-39 David Douglas
- 1635-37 John Pringill
- 1633-35 James Rig
- 1632-33 John Spang
- 1631–32 John Ker
- 1629–31 Laurence Cockburne
- 1627–29 Andro Scott
- 1626–27 John Pringill
- 1624–26 Henry Aikman
- 1622–24 David Pringle
- 1621–20 Andro Scott
- 1620–21 James Brown/Andro Scott
- 1619–20 James Kinloch
- 1618–19 James Henrysoun
- 1616–18 Andro Scott
- 1614–16 James Henrysoun
- 1612–14 David Pringle
- 1610–12 Henrie Aikman
- 1608–10 James Kinloch
- 1606–08 Andro Scott
- 1605–06 Hendrie Lumisden/James Kinloch
- 1603–05 James Skaithmure
- 1602–03 Gilbert Primrose
- 1601–00 Henrie Aikman
- 1600–01 James Henrysoun
16th century
- 1598–1600 Andro Scott
- 1596–98 Hendrie Lumisden
- 1595–96 John Naysmyth
- 1594–95 James Rig
- 1592–94 Hendrie Lumisden
- 1591–92 James Craig
- 1589–91 James Henrysoun
- 1588–89 James Lindsay
- 1587–88 James Henrysoun
- 1586–87 James Craig
- 1584–86 Henrie Blyth
- 1583–84 Robert Hendersoun
- 1580–83 Gilbert Primrose
- 1578–80 Robert Hendersoun
- 1574–78 Gilbert Primrose
- 1573–74 Nowie Brussat
- 1572–73 Robert Hendersoun
- 1571–72 No record
- 1570 Alexander Bruce
- 1569–70 Alexander Bruce
- 1568–69 Nowie Brussat
- 1567–68 Alexander Bruce
- 1566–67 Nowie Brussat
- 1565–66 John Chalmer
- 1562–65 James Lindesay
- 1560–62 Robert Hendersoun
- 1559–60 Patrick Lindesay
- 1558–59 Alexander Bruce
- 1557–58 Nowie Brussat
- 1555–57 Alexander Bruce
- 1543–55 William Quhite
- 1540–42 No record
- 1539–40 George Leithe
- 1537–38 No record
- 1536–37 Anthony Brussat
- 1535–36 Lancellot Barbour