List of places in Cardiff

This is a listing of places in Cardiff, county and capital city of Wales.

Administrative divisions

Electoral wards

This is a list of electoral wards covered by Cardiff Council:


City Centre

The city centre is Cardiff's main shopping area, the sixth largest in the UK. It is also the location of historical and cultural attractions such as:

Civic Centre

The Civic Centre is built from white Portland stone, and location of much of:
Formerly called Tiger Bay, this was where the world's first million-pound cheque was signed and was the centre of the global coal industry in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 1980s the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation was set up to redevelop the area and has since been transformed into a high-profile area of living, shopping, dining and culture attractions, such as:
The International Sports Village is a work in progress in Cardiff, with additional sporting and retail sites being added every so often.

Covered markets and shopping centres

Leisure centres

Public libraries

Police stations

Communities that no longer exist


Rivers and waterways


Higher Education


Archaeological sites


Public transport hubs

Railway stations

Cycle routes
