List of parties to international patent treaties

This is a list of parties to international patent treaties which are open to all states.
;Paris:Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Paris, 1883-03-20, came into force 1884-07-07
;PCT:Patent Cooperation Treaty, Washington, 1970-06-19, came into force 1978-01-24
;Budapest:Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, Budapest, 1977-04-28, came into force 1980-08-19
;TRIPS:Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Marrakech, 1994-04-15, came into force 1995-01-01
;PLT:Patent Law Treaty, Geneva, 2000-06-01, came into force 2005-04-28
The list below was taken from details supplied by WIPO and the WTO. Dates quoted are the date on which the treaty came into effect for a given country.