List of non-marine molluscs of Madeira

The non-marine molluscs of Madeira are a part of the molluscan fauna of Madeira. This list includes whole Madeira Autonomous Region, that includes Madeira Island, Porto Santo Island, Desertas Islands and Savage Islands.
A number of species of non-marine molluscs are found in the wild in Madeira.
There are 56 species of gastropods: ?? species of freshwater gastropods, 56 species of land gastropods and ?? species of bivalves living in the wild.
The degree of endemism for the area of Madeira is about 84%.
;Summary table of number of species
freshwater gastropods??
land gastropods56 species of land snails
gastropods altogether56
molluscs altogether56
non-indigenous gastropods in the wild?? freshwater and ?? land
non-indigenous hot-house alien gastropods?
non-indigenous bivalves in the wild?
non-indigenous hot-house alien bivalves?
non-indigenous molluscs altogether?

Freshwater gastropods

Land gastropods
