List of mnemonics

This article contains list of notable mnemonics used to remember various objects, lists, etc.


To recall the names of the first 20 elements in the periodic table:


Characteristic sequence of letters

In most words like friend, field, piece, pierce, mischief, thief, tier, it is "i" which comes before "e". But on some words with c just before the pair of e and i, like receive, perceive, "e" comes before "i". This can be remembered by the following mnemonic,
But this is not always obeyed as in case of weird and weigh, weight, height, neighbor etc. and can be remembered by extending that mnemonic as given below
Another variant, which avoids confusion when the two letters represent different sounds instead of a single sound, as in atheist or being, runs
Most frequently u follows q. e.g.: Que, queen, question, quack, quark, quartz, quarry, quit, Pique, torque, macaque, exchequer. Hence the mnemonic:

Letters of specific syllables in a word

Advice, Practice, Licence etc. are nouns and Advise, Practise, License etc. are verbs.

Quadratic equation

The articulation of the quadratic equation can be sung to the tune of various songs as a mnemonic device.

Mathematical operations

For helping students in remembering the rules in adding and multiplying two signed numbers, Balbuena and Buayan made the letter strategies LAUS and LPUN, respectively.
Order of Operations
Please - Parenthesis
Excuse - Exponents
My - Multiplication
Dear - Division
Aunt - Addition
Sally - Subtraction


The mnemonic "SOHCAHTOA" is often used to remember the basic trigonometric functions:
Other mnemonics that have been used for this include:
Some Old Hippie
Caught Another Hippie
Tripping On Acid.
Ships Of Holland Call At Harwich To Obtain Apples.
Sighs Of Happiness Come After Having Tankards Of Ale.


Thenar :
Abductor pollicis brevis
Opponens pollicis
Flexor pollicis brevis
Adductor pollicis
Hypothenar :
Opponens digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Abductor digiti minimi
Scaphoid bone, Lunate bone, Triquetral bone, Pisiform bone, Trapezium, Trapezoid bone, Capitate bone & Hamate bone


Thus we get the names of the strings from 6th string to the 1st string in that order.
Conversely, a mnemonic listing the strings in the reverse order is:


As for guitar tuning, there is also a mnemonic for ukuleles.

Reading music