List of map projections

This is a summary of map projections that have articles of their own on Wikipedia or that are otherwise. Because there is no limit to the number of possible map projections, there can be no comprehensive list.

Table of projections

*The first known popularizer/user and not necessarily the creator.


Type of projection

; Cylindrical: In standard presentation, these map regularly-spaced meridians to equally spaced vertical lines, and parallels to horizontal lines.
; Pseudocylindrical: In standard presentation, these map the central meridian and parallels as straight lines. Other meridians are curves, regularly spaced along parallels.
; Conic: In standard presentation, conic projections map meridians as straight lines, and parallels as arcs of circles.
; Pseudoconical: In standard presentation, pseudoconical projections represent the central meridian as a straight line, other meridians as complex curves, and parallels as circular arcs.
; Azimuthal: In standard presentation, azimuthal projections map meridians as straight lines and parallels as complete, concentric circles. They are radially symmetrical. In any presentation, they preserve directions from the center point. This means great circles through the central point are represented by straight lines on the map.
; Pseudoazimuthal: In standard presentation, pseudoazimuthal projections map the equator and central meridian to perpendicular, intersecting straight lines. They map parallels to complex curves bowing away from the equator, and meridians to complex curves bowing in toward the central meridian. Listed here after pseudocylindrical as generally similar to them in shape and purpose.
; Other: Typically calculated from formula, and not based on a particular projection
; Polyhedral maps: Polyhedral maps can be folded up into a polyhedral approximation to the sphere, using particular projection to map each face with low distortion.


; Conformal: Preserves angles locally, implying that local shapes are not distorted and that local scale is constant in all directions from any chosen point.
; Equal-area: Area measure is conserved everywhere.
; Compromise: Neither conformal nor equal-area, but a balance intended to reduce overall distortion.
; Equidistant: All distances from one points are correct. Other equidistant properties are mentioned in the notes.
; Gnomonic: All great circles are straight lines.
; Retroazimuthal: Direction to a fixed location B corresponds to the direction on the map from A to B.