List of games containing time travel

Many games contain time travel elements. This list includes video games, board games, pen and paper role-playing games and play by mail games which strongly feature time travel.

Video games

Time travel has been used and explored by both film, literature, and video games. Unlike films and literature, video games allow the player to interact directly, opening up different forms of gameplay. Time travel as a plot device has been employed in video games since early arcade games. The manipulation of time as an aspect of gameplay entered the mainstream following the release of ' in 2003, though earlier titles such as 2000's ' have employed it.

Time travel as a storyline element

Time travel as a gameplay element

Board games

Various kinds of family and simulation games exist, where people play face-to-face or around a table, or within earshot of each other, or passing written notes around, where the topic or mechanics of the game include time travel.
The following are sourced from various pages on
s are games in which the moves and reports are sent by postal mail. Those which contain time travel include: