List of contaminated cell lines

Many cell lines that are widely used for biomedical research have been overgrown by other, more aggressive cells. For example, supposed thyroid lines were actually melanoma cells, supposed prostate tissue was actually bladder cancer, and supposed normal uterine cultures were actually breast cancer. This is a list of cell lines that have been cross-contaminated and overgrown by other cells. Estimates based on screening of leukemia-lymphoma cell lines suggest that about 15% of these cell lines are not representative of what they are usually assumed to be. A project is currently underway to enumerate and rename contaminated cell lines to avoid errors in research caused by misattribution.
Contaminated cell lines have been extensively used in research without knowledge of their true character. For example, most if not all research on the endothelium ECV-304 or the megakaryocyte DAMI cell lines has in reality been conducted on bladder carcinoma and erythroleukemia cells, respectively. Thus, all research on endothelium- or megakaryocyte-specific functions utilizing these cell lines has turned out to be misguided, serving more of a warning example.
There are two principal ways a cell line can become contaminated: cell cultures are often exchanged between research groups; if, during handling, a sample gets contaminated and then passed on, subsequent exchanges of cells will lead to the contaminating population being established, although parts of the supposed cell line are still genuine. More serious is contamination at the source: during establishment of the original cell line, some contaminating cells are accidentally introduced into the cultures, where they in time outgrow the desired cells. The initial testing, in this case, still suggested that the cell line is genuine and novel, but in reality, it has disappeared soon after being established and all samples of such cell lines are actually the contaminant cells. It requires lengthy research to determine the precise point where cell lines have become contaminated. A mix-up rated as contamination could in reality be a simple confusion of two cell lines, but usually contamination is assumed.
After a cell line has been discovered to be contaminated, they are usually never used again for research demanding the specific type of cell line they are assumed to be. Most contaminated cell lines are discarded, however sometimes contaminant cells have acquired novel characteristics and thus constitute a novel lineage after all, so are not thrown away. If a cell line is thought to be contaminated, it is usually tested for authenticity. The widespread contamination of HeLa cells was initially recognized by Walter Nelson-Rees using simple Giemsa stain karyotyping under a light microscope. This technique works well in recognizing HeLa because these cells have distinctive chromosome aberrations. Novel cell lines are proliferated and distributed and/or deposited at a safekeeping institution such as the ATCC as soon as possible after establishment, to minimize the odds that the line becomes spoiled by contamination. It is considered good practice to periodically check cell lines maintained under laboratory conditions for contamination with HeLa or other common contaminants, to ensure that their quality and integrity is maintained.

Lists of contaminated cell lines

This list, containing 488 cell lines, was last updated on 1 December 2016.
Cellosaurus also is maintaining a list of "problematic" cell lines. The list is dynamically generated from all cell lines in the database with a comment containing the dedicated words "Problematic cell line"., the list contains 757 entries.
If no species is given in the individual entries of the following tables, the table's species applies to both the assumed and the actual cell types.
Cell lines marked Virtual in the table below are known instances of contamination at the source; these cell lines became extinct or never existed. Cases where non-contaminated lines are known or strongly suspected to exist are marked Existent.

Contaminated human cell lines

Supposed cell lineExistent?Supposed cell typeReal cell lineReal cell typeReferenceCellosaurus
207Existentpre-B cell leukemiaREH or CCRF-CEMpre-B cell or T cell leukemia
2474/90Virtualstomach carcinomaHT-29colon carcinoma
2563, MAC-21lung lymphomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma,
2957/90Virtualstomach carcinomaHT-29colon carcinoma
3051/80Virtualstomach carcinomaHT-29colon carcinoma
ADLC-5M2Virtuallung carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
AG-FVirtualHodgkin's diseaseCCRF-CEM variantT cell leukemia
AOVirtualamnionHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
ARH-77Existent?plasma cell leukemiaunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoid
AV3VirtualamnionHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
BCC1/KMCVirtualbasal cell carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
BE-13VirtualT cell leukemiaPEERT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
BJA-BExistentBurkitt's lymphomaREHpre-B cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
BLIN-1, -1E8Virtualpre-B cell leukemiaNALM-6pre-B cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
BM-1604Virtualprostate carcinomaDU-145prostate carcinoma
BrCa 5Virtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
BT-20Existentbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
CaMa Virtualbreast carcinomaunknownLaboratory mouse/Golden hamster cells
CaOVVirtualovarian carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
CaVeVirtualstomach carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
Chang liverliverHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
CHBVirtualastrocytomaunknownLaboratory rat glial cells?
CMP, CMPII C2Virtualintestinal adenocarcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
CO VirtualHodgkin's diseaseCCRF-CEMT cell leukemia
D18TVirtualsynovial cellHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
DAMIVirtualmegakaryocyticHELerythroleukemiaMacLeod et al.
DAPTVirtualpilocytic astrocytomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
Detroit 6 Virtualsternal marrowHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
Detroit 30A Virtualcarcinoma ascitesHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
Detroit 98, Det98/AG,
Det98/AH-2, Det98/AHR
Virtualsternal marrowHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
DDVirtualmalignant histiocytosisK-562terminal CMLDrexler et al.
EB33VirtualprostateHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
ECV-304Virtualnormal endotheliumT-24bladder carcinomaDirks et al. ; Lacroix
EHVirtualhairy cell leukemiaHKhairy cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
ElCoVirtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
EPLC-32M1Virtuallung carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
EPLC-65HVirtuallung carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
ESP1VirtualSporadic Burkitt's lymphomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
EU-1Virtualpre-B cell leukemiaREHpre-B cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
EU-7VirtualT cell leukemiaCCRF-CEMT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
EUEVirtualfetal subcutisHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
EVLC2Virtualtransfected umbilical vein endotheliumunknownnon-endothelial?Unger et al.
F2-4E5Virtualthymus epitheliumSK-HEP-1liver carcinoma
F2-5B6Virtualthymus epitheliumSK-HEP-1liver carcinoma
F255A4Virtual???HeLacervical adenocarcinoma
FLVirtualamnionHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
FQ, RB, RY, SpRVirtualHodgkin's disease spleenOMK-210Three-striped night monkey kidney, ,
G-11Virtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
GHEVirtualastrocytomaT-24bladder carcinoma
Girardi heartheartHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
GM01312myelomaunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
GM01500myelomaunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
GREF-XVirtualliver myofibroblastunknownLaboratory rat cell line
HAENDliver angiosarcomaunknownnon-endothelial?Unger et al.
hAGVirtualadenomatoid goitreT-24bladder carcinoma
HBCVirtualinfiltrating ductal carcinomaunknownRat cell line
HBT3, HBT-E, HBT-39bVirtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma, ,
HCEVirtualcervical carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
HEKVirtualembryonic kidneyHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
HEK/HRVtransfected embryonic kidneyHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
HEL-R66Virtualembryonic lungunknownGrivet cell line
HEp-2Virtuallarynx epidermoid carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinomaChen ; Lacroix
HIMeg-1Existent?CMLHL-60myeloblastic leukemiaDrexler et al.
HKB-1VirtualHodgkin's diseaseunknownunknownDrexler et al.
HMV-1VirtualmelanomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
HPB-ALLExistentT cell leukemiaJurkatT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
HPB-MLTVirtualT cell leukemiaHPB-ALLT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
hPTCVirtualpapillary thyroid carcinomaunknownDomestic pig cell line
HS-445Hodgkin's diseaseunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
HS-SultanVirtualmultiple myeloma plasmacytomaJijoyeEndemic Burkitt's lymphomaDrexler et al.
HuK°39VirtualkidneyHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
HuTVirtualfibrosarcoma-derived cell line 8387HeLacervical adenocarcinoma
IM-9multiple myelomaunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoid; Lacroix
IMC-2Virtualmaxillary carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
Intestine 407 Virtualintestinal epitheliumHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
J96Virtualleukemic bloodHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
J111Virtualmonocytic leukemiaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
JHCVirtualplacentaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
JHTVirtualtransfected placentaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
JOSK-I, -K, -M, -SVirtualmonocytic leukemiaU-937histiocytic lymphoma, ,
K051Existent?myeloblastic leukemiaK-562terminal CMLDrexler et al.
Karpas 45ExistentT cell leukemiaunknownunknown
KBVirtualoral carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
KBM-3Existentmonocytic leukemiaHL-60myeloblastic leukemiaDrexler et al.
KE-37ExistentT cell leukemiaCCRF-CEMT cell leukemia
KM-3Existent?pre-B cell leukemiaREHpre-B cell leukemia
KMS-21-BMExistent?myelomaunknownunknownDrexler et al.
KPB-M15Virtualterminal CMLKYO-1terminal CMLDrexler et al.
KP-P1Virtualprostate carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
L132Virtualembryonic lung epitheliumHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
L-540ExistentHodgkin's diseaseCCRF-CEMT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
L-591Existent?Hodgkin's diseaseunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
LED-Ticervical carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
LR10.6Virtualpre-B cell leukemiaNALM-6pre-B cell leukemia
LUVirtualfetal lungHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
LU 106Virtualembryonic lungHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
M10TVirtualsynovial cellHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
MA160VirtualprostateHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
MaTuVirtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
MB-02Existentmegakaryoblastic leukemiaHU-3megakaryoblastic leukemia
MC-4000Virtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
MC/CARplasma cell leukemiaunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoid
McCoyVirtualsynovial cellStrain LLaboratory mouse connective tissue
MDA-MB-435Virtualbreast carcinomaM14melanomaEllison et al. J Clin Pathol Mol Pathol 55, 294-9; Lacroix
MDSVirtualmonocytic leukemiaJurkatT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
MHH-225Existent?megakaryoblastic leukemiaJurkatT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
Minnesota EEVirtualesophageal epitheliumHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
MKB-1VirtualT cell leukemiaCCRF-CEMT cell leukemia
MOBS-1Virtualmonocytic leukemiaU-937histiocytic lymphoma
MOLT-15VirtualT cell leukemiaCTV-1monocytic leukemia
MT-1Virtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
MUTZ-1VirtualT cell leukemiaNamalwaBurkitt's lymphoma
NCTC2544, NCTC3075Virtualskin epitheliumHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix ,
NCI-ADR-RESVirtualbreast cancerOVCAR-8high grade serous ovarian cancerLiscovitch & Ravid
NOI-90Virtualnatural killer cell lymphomaREHpre-B cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
OEVirtualendometriumHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
OU-AML-1, -2. -3, -4,
-5, -6, -7, -8
Virtualacute myeloid leukemiaOCI/AML2monocytic leukemiaDrexler et al. , ,
, ,
, ,
P1-1A3Virtualthymus epitheliumSK-HEP-1liver carcinoma
P1-4D6Virtualthymus epitheliumSK-HEP-1liver carcinoma
P39/TsuganeExistentmyeloblastic leukemiaHL-60myeloblastic leukemiaDrexler et al.
PBEIVirtualpre-B cell leukemiaNALM-6pre-B cell leukemia
PLB-985Virtualmonocytic leukemiaHL-60myeloblastic leukemiaDrexler et al.
RAMAK-1Virtualmuscle synoviumT-24bladder carcinoma
RBHF-1Virtualhepatomaunknownnon-human mammal cell line
RC-2AExistent?monocytic leukemiaCCRF-CEMT cell leukemia
RED-3Virtualacute myeloid leukemiaHL-60myeloblastic leukemiaDrexler et al.
REH-6Virtualpre-B cell leukemiaunknownLaboratory mouse cell line
RM-10Virtualterminal CMLK-562terminal CML
RPMI-6666Hodgkin's diseaseunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
RPMI-8402ExistentT cell leukemiaunknownunknown; Lacroix
RS-1Existent?megakaryoblastic leukemiaK-562terminal CMLDrexler et al.
RspHodgkin's diseaseunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
RT4Existentbladder carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
SA4VirtualliposarcomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
SAM-1Virtualterminal CMLK-562terminal CMLDrexler et al.
SBC-2Virtualbladder carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
SBC-7Virtualbladder carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
SCLC-16H, -24HVirtualsmall cell lung carcinomaSCLC-21/22Hsmall cell lung carcinoma,
SH-2Virtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
SH-3Virtualbreast carcinomaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
SPI-801, -802VirtualT cell leukemiaK-562terminal CML,
SR-91VirtualT cell leukemiaAML-193monocytic leukemiaDrexler et al.
SW-527VirtualtumorSW-480/SW-620colon adenocarcinoma
SW-598VirtualtumorSW-480/SW-620colon adenocarcinoma
SW-608VirtualtumorSW-480/SW-620colon adenocarcinoma
SW-613VirtualtumorSW-480/SW-620colon adenocarcinoma
SW-732VirtualtumorSW-480/SW-620colon adenocarcinoma
SW-733VirtualtumorSW-480/SW-620colon adenocarcinoma
T-1VirtualkidneyHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
T-9Virtualtransfected somaticHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
T-33Existent?terminal CMLK-562terminal CMLDrexler et al.
TDL-1, TDL-2Virtualtonsil lymphoidP3JHR-1Burkitt's lymphoma,
TDL-3Virtualtonsil lymphoidRPMI-1788lymphoblastoid
TDL-4Virtualtonsil lymphoidRajiBurkitt's lymphoma
TI-1Virtualmyeloblastic leukemiaK-562terminal CMLDrexler et al.
TMMterminal CMLunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoid
TuWiVirtualWilms' TumorHeLacervical adenocarcinoma
U-937Existenthistiocytic lymphomaunknownunknown
UMJF-2myelomaunknownEpstein-Barr virus-transfected B cell lymphoblastoidDrexler et al.
UT-7Existenthistiocytic lymphomaunknownunknown
UTMB-460VirtualB cellCCRF-CEMT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
WISHVirtualamnionHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
Wong-KilbourneVirtualconjunctivaHeLacervical adenocarcinoma; Lacroix
WSU-ALCLVirtualAnaplastic large cell lymphomaCCRF-CEMT cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
WSU-CLLVirtualB cell leukemiaREHpre-B cell leukemiaDrexler et al.
YAAVirtualmonocyteU-937histiocytic lymphomaDrexler et al.
YAPVirtualmonocyteU-937histiocytic lymphomaDrexler et al.
YJVirtualmonocytic leukemiaHL-60myeloblastic leukemiaDrexler et al.

Contaminated non-human cell lines

Supposed cell lineExistent?Supposed cell typeReal cell lineReal cell typeReferenceCellosaurus
Aedes vexans, ,
Aedes aegypti
Suitor's clone
N/AunknownEmperor Gum Moth ovary?, ,
GPS-M, GPS-PDGuinea pig spleenStrain L-MLaboratory mouse connective tissue,
LT-1Leopard frog renal adenocarcinomaTH-1/FHMEastern box turtle heart / Fathead minnow epithelium