List of companies listed on B3
In January, 2017, more than 450 companies were listed on the Brazilian stock exchange B3, according to the exchange's website.
The following is a list of the components of Ibovespa, B3 index, in the period January - April 2018, their B3 ticker symbol, industry and headquarters location.
Ibovespa">Índice Bovespa">Ibovespa
Company | Ticker | Industry | Headquarters |
AmBev | ABEV3 | beverages | São Paulo |
Azul | AZUL4 | airlines | Barueri |
B2W | BTOW3 | online retail | Rio de Janeiro |
B3 | B3SA3 | stock exchange | São Paulo |
Banco do Brasil | BBAS3 | banking | Brasília |
BB Seguridade | BBSE3 | insurance | Brasília |
Bradesco | BBDC3 | banking | Osasco |
Bradesco | BBDC4 | banking | Osasco |
Bradespar | BRAP4 | holding | São Paulo |
BRMalls | BRML3 | real state | Rio de Janeiro |
Braskem | BRKM5 | petrochemicals | São Paulo |
BRF | BRFS3 | foods | Itajaí |
BTG Pactual | BPAC11 | banking | São Paulo |
Carrefour Brasil | CRFB3 | retail | São Paulo |
CCR | CCRO3 | transportation | São Paulo |
CVC Brasil | CVCB3 | travel and tourism | Santo André |
CEMIG | CMIG4 | electricity utility | Belo Horizonte |
Cia. Hering | HGTX3 | clothing | Blumenau |
Cielo | CIEL3 | payment system | Barueri |
Cogna | COGN3 | higher education | Belo Horizonte |
Cosan | CSAN3 | conglomerate | São Paulo |
CPFL Energia | CPFE3 | electric utility | Campinas |
CSN | CSNA3 | siderurgy and metallurgy | Rio de Janeiro |
Cyrela Brazil Realty | CYRE3 | real estate | São Paulo |
EcoRodovias | ECOR3 | transportation | São Paulo |
EDP - Energias do Brasil | ENBR3 | electricity utility | São Paulo |
Eletrobras | ELET3 | electric utility | Rio de Janeiro |
Eletrobras | ELET6 | electric utility | Rio de Janeiro |
Embraer | EMBR3 | aerospace/defense | São José dos Campos |
ENGIE Brasil | EGIE3 | electricity utility | Florianópolis |
Equatorial Energia | EQTL3 | electricity utility | Brasília |
Gerdau | GGBR4 | siderurgy and metallurgy | São Paulo |
Gol | GOLL4 | airlines | São Paulo |
GPA | PCAR4 | retail | São Paulo |
Grupo Fleury | FLRY3 | healthcare | São Paulo |
Grupo Hapvida | HAPV3 | healthcare | Fortaleza |
Hypera Pharma | HYPE3 | pharmaceutical | São Paulo |
Iguatemi | IGTA3 | shopping malls | São Paulo |
Intermédica | GNDI3 | healthcare | São Paulo |
IRB Brasil RE | IRBR3 | insurance | Rio de Janeiro |
Itaú Unibanco | ITUB4 | banking | São Paulo |
Itaúsa | ITSA4 | holding | São Paulo |
JBS | JBSS3 | food and beverages | São Paulo |
Klabin | KLBN11 | paper and pulp | São Paulo |
Localiza | RENT3 | rental car | Belo Horizonte |
Lojas Americanas | LAME4 | department store | Rio de Janeiro |
Lojas Renner | LREN3 | department store | Porto Alegre |
Magazine Luiza | MGLU3 | department store | São Paulo |
Marfrig | MRFG3 | foods | São Paulo |
Metalúrgica Gerdau | GOAU4 | holding | Porto Alegre |
Minerva Foods | BEEF3 | foods | Barretos |
MRV | MRVE3 | construction and real estate | Belo Horizonte |
Multiplan | MULT3 | shopping malls | Rio de Janeiro |
Natura & Co | NTCO3 | cosmetics | São Paulo |
Petrobras | PETR3 | oil and gas | Rio de Janeiro |
Petrobras | PETR4 | oil and gas | Rio de Janeiro |
Qualicorp | QUAL3 | insurance | São Paulo |
RaiaDrogasil | RADL3 | drugstore | São Paulo |
Rumo | RAIL3 | logistics | Curitiba |
Sabesp | SBSP3 | waste management | São Paulo |
Santander Brasil | SANB11 | banking | São Paulo |
SulAmérica Seguros | SULA11 | insurance | Rio de Janeiro |
Suzano Papel e Celulose | SUZB3 | pulp and paper | Salvador |
Taesa S.A. | TAEE11 | electricity utility | Rio de Janeiro |
Telefônica Vivo | VIVT4 | telecommunications | São Paulo |
TIM Participações | TIMP3 | telecommunications | Rio de Janeiro |
TOTVS | TOTS3 | software | São Paulo |
Ultrapar | UGPA3 | conglomerate | São Paulo |
Usiminas | USIM5 | siderurgy and metallurgy | Belo Horizonte |
Vale | VALE3 | mining | Rio de Janeiro |
Via Varejo | VVAR3 | retail | São Caetano do Sul |
YDUQS | YDUQ3 | higher education | Rio de Janeiro |
WEG | WEGE3 | industrial engineering | Jaraguá do Sul |