List of ancient Greek philosophers

This list of ancient Greek philosophers contains philosophers who studied in ancient Greece or spoke Greek. Ancient Greek philosophy began in Miletus with the pre-Socratic philosopher Thales and lasted through Late Antiquity. Some of the most famous and influential philosophers of all time were from the ancient Greek world, including Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
↵Abbreviations used in this list:
Acrion5th / 4th century BCPythagoreanvisited by Plato-
Adrastus of Aphrodisias2nd century ADPeripateticwrote commentaries on Aristotle's works and a commentary on Plato's Timaeus-
Aedesia5th centuryNeoplatonicwife of Hermias, and mother of Ammonius and Heliodorus-
Aedesius3rd / 4th centuryNeoplatonicstudied under Iamblichus before founding his own school in Pergamum-
Aeneas of Gaza5th / 6th centuryNeoplatonica Christian convert who studied under Hierocles-
Aenesidemus1st century BC?Pyrrhonistwrote a book called Pyrrhonist Discourses which became a central text for the skeptics-
Aesara5th / 4th century BCPythagorean-
Aeschines of Neapolis2nd / 1st century BCAcademic skeptic-
Aeschines of Sphettus5th / 4th century BCSocraticpart of Socrates' circle and likely present at his death-
Aetius4th century ADPeripateticAntiochean convert to Christianity who studied in Alexandria-
Agapius5th / 6th century ADNeoplatonicstudied under Marinus of Neapolis. known for his learning-
Agathobulus1st / 2nd century ADCynicismKnown for his severe asceticism and teacher of Demonax-
Agrippa the Skeptic1st / 2nd century ADPyrrhonistthought to be the creator of the "five grounds of doubt"-
Albinus2nd century ADMiddle Platonist-
Alcinous2nd century AD?Middle Platonist--
Alcibiades450-404 BCSocraticAthenian General and Politician-
Alcmaeon of Croton5th / 5th century BCPythagoreaninterested in medicine-
Alexamenus of Teos5th century BC?Socraticmay have been the first to write philosophical dialogues-
Alexander of Aegae1st century ADPeripatetic schooltutored the emperor Nero-
Alexander of Aphrodisias2nd / 3rd century ADPeripatetic schoolinfluential commentator on the Corpus Aristotelicum-
Alexicrates1st / 2nd century ADPythagorean-
Alexinus4th / 3rd century BCMegarianfounded his own school which did not fare well-
Amelius3rd century ADNeoplatonicstudent of Plotinus who wrote voluminously-
Ammonius Hermiae5th / 6th century ADNeoplatonic-
Ammonius of Athens1st century ADMiddle Platonistteacher of Plutarch-
Ammonius Saccas2nd / 3rd century ADNeoplatonicPlotinus' teacher-
Anaxagoras5th century BCPluralist-
Anaxarchus4th century BCAtomist-
Anaxilaus1st century BC / 1st century ADPythagorean-
Anaximander7th / 6th century BCMilesian-
Anaximenes of Miletus6th century BCMilesian-
Androcydes2nd century BC?Pythagorean-
Andronicus of Rhodes1st century BCPeripatetic-
Anniceris4th / 3rd century BCCyrenaic-
Antiochus of Ascalon2nd / 1st century BCMiddle Platonist-
Antipater of Cyrene4th century BCCyrenaic-
Antipater of Tarsus2nd century BCStoic-
Antipater of Tyre1st century BCStoic-
Antisthenes5th / 4th century BCCynic-
Antoninus4th century ADNeoplatonic-
Apollodorus of Athens2nd century BCStoic-
Apollodorus of Seleucia2nd century BCStoic-
Apollodorus the Epicurean2nd century BCEpicurean-
Apollonius Cronus4th century BCMegarian-
Apollonius of Tyana1st century ADNeopythagorean-
Apollonius of Tyre1st century BCStoic-
Arcesilaus4th / 3rd century BCAcademic skeptic-
Archedemus of Tarsus2nd century BCStoic-
Archelaus5th century BCPluralist-
Archytas5th / 4th century BCPythagorean-
Arete of Cyrene4th century BCCyrenaic-
Arignote6th / 5th century BCPythagorean-
Aristarchus of Samos4th / 3rd century BCAcademic skepticpresented the first known model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it.
Aristippus5th / 4th century BCCyrenaic-
Aristippus the Younger4th century BCCyrenaic-
Aristocleafl. 6th century BC-
Aristocles of Messene1st century AD?Peripatetic-
Aristocreon3rd / 2nd century BCStoic-
Aristo of Alexandria2nd /1st century BCPeripatetic-
Aristo of Ceos3rd / 2nd century BCPeripatetic-
Aristo of Chios4th / 3rd century BCStoic-
Aristotle4th century BCPeripateticfounder of Peripatetic school; student of Plato-
Aristotle of Cyrene4th / 3rd century BCCyrenaic-
Aristotle of Mytilene2nd century ADPeripatetic-
Aristoxenus4th century BCPeripatetic-
Arius Didymus1st century BCStoic-
Asclepiades of Phlius4th / 3rd century BCEretrian-
Asclepiades the Cynic4th century ADCynicism-
Asclepigenia5th / 6th century ADNeoplatonic-
Asclepiodotus1st century BC-
Asclepiodotus of Alexandria5th century ADNeoplatonic-
Aspasius2nd century ADPeripatetic-
Athenaeus of Seleucia1st century BCPeripatetic-
Athenodoros Cananites1st century BCStoic-
Athenodoros Cordylion2nd /1st century BCStoic-
Athenodorus of Soli3rd century BCStoic-
Attalus1st century BC / 1st century ADStoic-
Atticus2nd century ADMiddle Platonist-
Basilides 2nd century BCStoicDenied the existence of incorporeal entities-
Basilides the Epicurean3rd / 2nd century BCEpicureanSucceeded Dionysius of Lamptrai as the head of the Epicurean school at Athens-
Batis of Lampsacus3rd century BCEpicurean-
Bion of Borysthenes4th / 3rd century BCCynicOnce was a slave, later to be released-
Boethus of Sidon1st century BCPeripatetic-
Boethus of Sidon 2nd century BCStoic-
Bolus of Mendesfl. 3rd century BCPythagorean-
Brontinusfl. 6th century BCPythagorean-
Bryson of Achaeafl. 330 BCMegarian-
Callicles5th century BCESophist?-
Calliphon2nd century BCPeripatetic-
Calliphon of Croton6th century BCPythagorean-
Callistratusfl. 3rd century ADSophist-
Carneadesc. 214 BC – 129/8 BCAcademic skeptic-
Carneiscusc. 300 BCEpicurean-
Cassius Longinusc. 213–273Middle Platonist-
Cebesc. 430–350 BCPythagorean-
Celsus2nd century-
Cercidas3rd century BCCynic-
Chamaeleon350-275 B.C.Peripatetic-
Charmadas164 BC - c. 95 BCAcademic skeptic-
Chrysanthiusfl. 4th centuryNeoplatonic-
Chrysippus279-206 B.C.Stoic-
Cleanthes330-230 B.C.Stoic-
Clearchus of Soli4th-3rd century B.C. Peripatetic-
Cleinias of Tarentum4th century B.C.Pythagorean-
Clinomachus4th century B.C.Megarian-
Clitomachus187 BC - 109 BCAcademic skeptic-
Colotes320-268 B.C.Epicurean-
Crantorborn c. 350 BCAcademic Platonist-
Crates of Athensdied 268-265 BCAcademic Platonist-
Crates of Mallusfl. 2nd century B.C.Stoic-
Crates of ThebesCynic-
Cratippus of PergamonPeripatetic-
Crescens the CynicCynic-
Croniusfl. 2nd century A.D.Neopythagorean-
Damasciusborn c. 458, died after 538Neoplatonic-
Damis1st-2nd century A.D.Neopythagorean-
Damo5th century B.C.PythagoreanReportedly the daughter of Pythagoras and Theano-
Dardanus of Athens160-85 B.C.StoicOne of the several leaders of Stoa after the death of Panaetius-
Demetrius Laconfl. late 2nd century B.C.Epicurean-
Demetrius PhalereusPeripatetic-
Demetrius of Amphipolisfl. 4th century BCAcademic Platonist-
Demetrius the CynicCynic-
DemocritusPresocratic, Atomist-
Dexippusfl. 350Neoplatonic-
Diagoras of MelosSophist-
Dio ChrysostomSophist-
Diocles of Cnidusfl. 3rd or 2nd century BC?Academic Platonist-
Diodorus CronusMegarian-
Diodorus of Adramyttiumfl. 1st century BCAcademic skeptic-
Diodorus of AspendusPythagorean-
Diodorus of TyrePeripatetic-
Diogenes of ApolloniaPresocratic-
Diogenes of BabylonStoic-
Diogenes of OenoandaEpicurean-
Diogenes of SeleuciaEpicurean-
Diogenes of SinopeCynic-
Diogenes of TarsusEpicurean-
Dionysius of ChalcedonMegarian-
Dionysius of CyreneStoic-
Dionysius of LamptraiEpicurean-
Dionysius the RenegadeStoic-
Dio of Alexandriafl. 1st century BCAcademic skeptic-
Diotima of Mantinea-
Domninus of Larissac. 420 - c. 480Neoplatonic-
EmpedoclesPresocratic, Pluralist-
Epicharmus of KosPythagorean-
EpictetusStoicwrote The Enchiridion, a handbook of Stoic ethical advice-
EpicurusEpicureansaid that the purpose of philosophy was to attain tranquility characterized by ataraxia-
Euclid of MegaraMegarian-
Eudemus of RhodesPeripatetic-
Eudorus of AlexandriaPeripatetic-
Eudoxus of Cnidus410/408 BC – 355/347 BCAcademic Platonist-
Eusebius of Myndusfl. 4th centuryNeoplatonic-
Eustathius of Cappadociac. 400Neoplatonic-
Evanderfl. c. 215 - c. 205Academic skeptic-
FavorinusAcademic skeptic-
Gaius the Platonistfl. 2nd centuryMiddle Platonist-
Hagnon of Tarsusfl. 2nd century BCAcademic skeptic-
Hecataeus of AbderaPyrrhonist-
Hecato of RhodesStoic-
Hegesias of CyreneCyrenaic-
Hegesinus of Pergamonfl. c. 160 BCAcademic skeptic-
Hegiasfl. c. 500Neoplatonic-
Heliodorus of Alexandriafl. 5th centuryNeoplatonic-
Heraclides Lembus-
Heraclides Ponticus387 BC - 312 BCAcademic Platonist-
HeraclitusPresocratic, Ephesianclaimed that "You cannot step in the same river twice" and "All is fire."-
Herillus of CarthageStoic-
Hermagoras of AmphipolisStoic-
Hermiasborn c. 410 - died c. 450Neoplatonic-
Hermippus of SmyrnaPeripatetic-
Hermotimus of Clazomenae-
Hieriusfl c. 500Neoplatonic-
Hierocles of Alexandriafl. c. 430Neoplatonic-
Hierocles Stoic-
Hieronymus of RhodesPeripatetic-
Hipparchia of MaroneiaCynic-
Hypatia of Alexandriaborn 350-370 – 415Neoplatonic-
Iamblichusc. 245-c. 325Neoplatonic-
Idomeneus of LampsacusEpicurean-
Ion of ChiosPythagorean-
Isidore of Alexandriafl. c. 475Neoplatonic-
Jason of NysaStoic-
Lacydes of Cyrenebefore 241 - c. 205 BCAcademic skeptic-
Leonteus of LampsacusEpicurean-
LeucippusPresocratic, Atomist-
Lyco of IasosPythagorean-
Lyco of TroasPeripatetic-
Lysis of TarasPythagorean-
Marinus of Neapolisborn c. 450Neoplatonic-
Maximus of Ephesusdied 372Neoplatonic-
Maximus of Tyrefl. 2nd centuryMiddle Platonist-
Meleager of GadaraCynic-
Melissus of SamosPresocratic, Eleatic-
Menedemus of Pyrrhafl. c. 350 BCAcademic Platonist-
Menedemus the CynicCynic-
Metrodorus of Athens-
Metrodorus of ChiosAtomist-
Metrodorus of CosPythagorean-
Metrodorus of Lampsacus Presocratic-
Metrodorus of Lampsacus Epicurean-
Metrodorus of Stratoniceafl. 2nd century BCAcademic skeptic-
Mnesarchus of AthensStoic-
Moderatus of GadesNeopythagorean-
Nicarete of MegaraMegarian-
Nicolaus of Damascus-
Nicomachus Peripatetic-
Numenius of Apameafl. c. 275Neopythagorean-
Nymphidianus of Smyrnafl. c. 360Neoplatonic-
Ocellus LucanusPythagorean-
Oenomaus of GadaraCynic-
Olympiodorus the ElderPeripatetic-
Olympiodorus the Youngerc. 495-570Neoplatonic-
Onasanderfl. 1st centuryMiddle Platonist-
Origen the Paganfl. c. 250Middle Platonist-
Pancrates of AthensCynicism-
Parmenides of EleaPresocratic, Eleaticheld that the only thing that exists is being itself; teacher of Zeno of Elea-
Pasicles of ThebesMegarian-
Patro the EpicureanEpicurean-
Peregrinus ProteusCynicism-
Phaedo of ElisSocratic, School of Elis-
Phanias of EresusPeripatetic-
Phanto of PhliusPythagorean-
Philip of Opusfl. 4th century BCAcademic-
Philiscus of AeginaCynicism-
Philiscus of ThessalySophist-
Philo20 BC - 50 ADMiddle Platonist-
Philo of Larissa159/158 BC – 84/83 BCAcademic skeptic-
Philo the DialecticianMegarian-
Philonides of LaodiceaEpicurean-
Plato428/427 BC - 348/347 BCAcademicstudent of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle; famous for the Theory of Forms-
Plotinusc. 204 – 270Neoplatonic-
Plutarchc. 46 – 120Middle Platonist-
Plutarch of Athensc. 350 – 430Neoplatonic-
Polemon of AthensStoic-
Polemon of LaodiceaSophist-
Polemonbefore 314 BC - 270/269 BCAcademic-
Polyaenus of LampsacusEpicurean-
Porphyry234 – c. 305Neoplatonictaught by Plotinus; wrote the Isagoge, an introduction to Aristotle's "Categories",-
Potamo of AlexandriaEclecticism-
Priscian of Lydiafl. c. 550Neoplatonic-
Priscus of Epirusc. 305-c. 395Neoplatonic-
Proclus412 – 485Neoplatonic-
Proclus of Laodicea-
Proclus MallotesStoic-
PyrrhoPyrrhonistcredited as being the first skeptic philosopher-
Sallustius of EmesaCynicism-
Secundus the SilentCynicism-
Sextus of Chaeronea-
Sextus EmpiricusPyrrhonist-
Simmias of ThebesPythagorean-
Simon the ShoemakerSocratic-
Simplicius of Ciliciac. 490 - c. 560Neoplatonic-
SocratesSocraticconsidered one of the founders of Western philosophy; credited as being the first moral philosopher-
Sopater of Apameadied before 337Neoplatonic-
Sosipatrafl. c. 325Neoplatonic-
Speusippusc. 407 BC – 339 BCAcademic-
Strato of LampsacusPeripatetic-
Syrianusdied c. 437Neoplatonic-
Telecles of Phocisdied 167/166 BCAcademic skeptic-
Teles the CynicCynicism-
ThalesPresocratic, Milesianthe first philosopher; held that the first principle is water; one of the Seven Sages of Greece-
Theagenes of PatrasCynicism-
Themista of LampsacusEpicurean-
Theodorus of Asinefl. 3rd centuryNeoplatonic-
Theodorus the AtheistCyrenaic-
Theon of SmyrnaNeopythagorean-
Thrasymachus of CorinthMegarian-
Timaeus of LocriPythagorean-
Timaeus the Sophistfl. between 1st and 4th centuriesMiddle Platonist-
Xenarchus of SeleuciaPeripatetic-
Xenocratesc. 396 BC – 314 BCAcademic-
Xenophanes of ColophonPresocratic, Eleaticclaimed that, if oxen were able to imagine gods, those gods would be in the image of oxen-
XenophilusPythagoreanfriend and teacher of Aristoxenus-
Zenobius2nd century A.D.SophistFlourished in the times of the emperor Hadrian-
Zenodotusfl. c. 475Neoplatonicdescribed as "the darling of Proclus"-
Zeno of Citium334-262 B.C.Stoicfounder of the Stoic school of philosophy-
Zeno of EleaPresocratic, Eleaticfamous creator of Zeno's paradoxes-
Zeno of Sidon150-75 B.C.Epicureansometimes termed the "leading Epicurean"-
Zeno of Tarsusfl. 200 B.C.Stoic-