List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin

The following is an alphabetical list of members of the United States House of Representatives from the state of Wisconsin. For chronological tables of members of both houses of the United States Congress from the state, see United States Congressional Delegations from Wisconsin. The list of names should be complete, but other data may be incomplete.

Current members

Updated May 12, 2020.

Living former members

, there are 16 living former members. The most recent death among former members was Jim Moody on March 22, 2019. The most recently serving member to die was Jerry Kleczka who died on October 8, 2017.
MemberTerm of officeDate of birth
Dave Obey1969–2011
Harold Vernon Froehlich1973–1975
Bob Kasten1975–1979
Toby Roth1979–1997
Tom Petri1979–2015
Steve Gunderson1981–1997
Scott L. Klug1991–1999
Peter W. Barca1993–1995
Tom Barrett1993–2003
Mark Neumann1995–1999
Mark A. Green1999–2007
Tammy Baldwin1999–2013
Paul Ryan1999–2019
Steve Kagen2007–2011
Reid Ribble2011–2017
Sean Duffy2011–2019