List of Stoic philosophers

This is a list of Stoic philosophers, ordered by date. The criteria for inclusion in this list are fairly mild. See also :Category:Stoic philosophers.
3rd Century BC
Zeno of CitiumFounder of the Stoic school in Athens
PersaeusPupil and friend of Zeno
Aratus of SoliPupil of Zeno and brother of Aratus.
Aristo of ChiosPupil of Crates, leaned towards Cynicism
Apollophanes of AntiochStoic philosopher, friend of Aristo of Chios
Dionysius the RenegadePupil of Zeno who became a Cyrenaic
Pupil of Zeno
Moved to Sparta and Alexandria
Herillus of CarthagePupil of Zeno, who held that knowledge was the highest good
Cleanthes Second leader of the Stoic school
Eratosthenes Stoic philosopher and follower of Persaeus of Citium
Chrysippus Third leader of the Stoic school. Wrote 705 books
Dioscorides Pupil of Chrysippus. Father of Zeno of Tarsus
AristocreonNephew of Chrysippus
2nd Century BC
Zeno of TarsusFourth leader of the Stoic school
EudromusStoic who wrote a book called "Elements of Ethics"
Crates of MallusGrammarian. Head of the library at Pergamon
Diogenes of BabylonFifth leader of the Stoic school
Zenodotus Pupil of Diogenes of Babylon
Apollodorus of SeleuciaPupil of Diogenes of Babylon
Basilides Denied the existence of incorporeal entities
Antipater of TarsusSixth leader of the Stoic school
Apollodorus of AthensHistorian. Pupil of Diogenes and Antipater of Tarsus
Archedemus of TarsusFounded a Stoic school at Babylon
Panaetius of RhodesSeventh leader of the Stoic school
Boethus of SidonPupil of Diogenes
Polemon of AthensGeographer, follower of Panaetius
Marcus VigelliusStoic who lived with Panaetius
Heraclides of TarsusPupil of Antipater of Tarsus
DardanusLeading figure in the Stoic school in Athens
MnesarchusLeading figure in the Stoic school in Athens
Publius Rutilius RufusStatesman, orator and historian. Pupil of Panaetius
StiloGrammarian and scholar
Dionysius of CyreneLeading figure in the Stoic school in Athens
Quintus Lucilius BalbusStoic philosopher, and a pupil of Panaetius
Hecato of RhodesPupil of Panaetius, wrote about ethics
Diotimus the StoicStoic who slandered Epicurus
1st Century BC
Posidonius Eighth leader of the Stoic school, also an astronomer and geographer
CrinisStoic who wrote about logic
Proclus of MallusStoic philosopher and writer
Diodotus the StoicStoic teacher of Cicero who lived in Cicero's house
Geminus of RhodesAstronomer and mathematician
Athenodoros CordylionLibrarian at Pergamon, lived with Cato
Apollonius of Tyre Stoic philosopher who wrote a biography of Zeno
Cato the YoungerStatesman who opposed Julius Caesar
Antipater of TyreFriend of Cato. Wrote about practical ethics
Porcia CatonisFemale Stoic, daughter of Cato the Younger
ApollonidesStoic philosopher whom Cato consulted before committing suicide
Jason of NysaGrandson of Posidonius
Athenodoros CananitesPupil of Posidonius. Teacher of Augustus
Stertinius Philosopher satirised by the poet Horace
Quintus SextiusSet up a school teaching Stoicism mixed with Pythagoreanism
Arius Didymus Collected excerpts from earlier Stoic writers
1st Century AD
Theon of AlexandriaStoic philosopher
Attalus Stoic philosopher frequently visited by Seneca
Papirius FabianusTeacher of Seneca. Rhetorician and philosopher
Julius CanusStoic philosopher condemned to death by Caligula
Lucius Annaeus SenecaNinth leader of the Stoic school. Statesman, philosopher, and playwright
Thrasea PaetusRoman senator and Stoic
Lucius Annaeus CornutusStoic teacher who wrote a Compendium of Greek Theology
Chaeremon of AlexandriaStoic philosopher and grammarian. Librarian at Alexandria
Paconius AgrippinusStoic philosopher spoken of with praise by Epictetus
Heliodorus Stoic philosopher. Informer in the reign of Nero
Publius Egnatius CelerStoic philosopher. Informer in the reign of Nero
PersiusStoic philosopher, poet and satirist
Helvidius PriscusStoic philosopher and statesman
Arulenus RusticusStatesman. Friend and pupil of Thrasea Paetus
Musonius RufusTenth leader of the Stoic school
FanniaAnother female Stoic
Euphrates the StoicPhilosopher, orator and pupil of Musonius Rufus
2nd Century AD
CleomedesAstronomer who lived later than Posidonius
Epictetus Eleventh leader of the Stoic school, pupil of Musonius Rufus
Hierocles Philosopher wrote "Elements of Ethics"
Flavius ArrianusHistorian and pupil of Epictetus
Basilides of ScythopolisTeacher of Marcus Aurelius
Apollonius of ChalcedonStoic teacher of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus
Claudius MaximusStoic philosopher and friend of Marcus Aurelius
Cinna CatulusStoic teacher of Marcus Aurelius
Junius RusticusPhilosopher and Consul. Adviser of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus AureliusFinal leader of the Stoic school. Roman Emperor from 161-180 AD
3rd Century AD
MediusDebated the Stoic theory of eight parts of the soul with Longinus