List of Penguindrum episodes

Penguindrum is a 2011 Japanese anime series produced by Brain's Base. The series is directed and co-written by Kunihiko Ikuhara and aired in Japan from July 8, 2011, to December 23, 2011.
The series revolves around the Takakura twins Kanba and Shoma whose dead younger sister Himari was brought back to life by a strange spirit who resides in a penguin-shaped hat. However, in exchange for extending her life, the spirit tasks them to seek out an item known as the Penguin Drum with assistance from a trio of strange penguins.
Penguindrum's two opening themes are performed by Etsuko Yakushimaru. "Nornir", is used for episodes 1–14, and "Boys, Come Back to Me" from episode 15 onwards. Eight pieces of music are used for ending themes. "Dear Future" by Coaltar of the Deepers is used for episodes 1–12, with a special performance by Yui Horie for episode 10. Episodes 13 onwards use several covers of ARB performed by Marie Miyake, Yui Watanabe and Miho Arakawa as the fictional band "Triple H": "Grey Wednesday" is used for episodes 13, 15 and 18; "Bad News " for episodes 14 and 17; and "Ikarechimattaze!!" for episode 16, "Hide and Seek" for episode 19, "Private Girl" for episode 20, "Tamashii Kogashite" for episode 21 and "Heroes ~Eiyū-tachi~" for episode 23.

Episode list

All episodes were co-written by Kunihiko Ikuhara and :ja:伊神貴世|Takayo Ikami. Episode 16 was also co-written with Shingo Kaneko and Tomohiro Furukawa. In intertitles, the episodes are referred to as ordered "stations".
No.TitleStoryboarderEpisode directorAnimation supervisorOriginal airdate

Home video releases

Japanese release

Italian release