National Parks of Poland

There are 23 national parks in Poland. These were formerly run by the Polish Board of National Parks, but in 2004 responsibility for them was transferred to the Ministry of the Environment. Most national parks are divided into strictly and partially protected zones. Additionally, they are usually surrounded by a protective buffer zone called otulina.
In Poland, as amended by the Nature Conservation Act, 2004, a national park "covers an area of outstanding environmental, scientific, social, cultural and educational value, with an area of not less than 1000 ha, which protects the whole of the nature and qualities of the landscape. A national park is created to preserve biodiversity, resources, objects and elements of inanimate nature and landscape values, to restore the proper state of natural resources and components and to reconstruct distorted natural habitats, plants, habitats of animals and habitats of fungi."
The area of a national park is divided into different zones using separate methods of conservation. There are strict protection zones, as well as active and landscape-related ones.
The areas bordering national parks have been designated as buffer zones. The buffer zone can include protective areas of game animals, in which hunting is not permitted. National parks are available to visit, but only in designated areas, and along specific trails, roads, and paths.
National Parks of Poland are funded from the central budget. They are managed by the directors, as an advisory body to the council of the park. On April 30, 2004 parks were supervised by the National Board of National Parks. From 1 May 2004, the duties were taken over by the Ministry of the Environment - Department of Forestry, Nature Conservation and Landscape and since January 19, 2007 by the Independent Department for Natura 2000 Areas and National Parks. After the establishment of GDOŚ and RDOŚ on October 15, 2008, the supervision of the parks is exercised by the Conservation Department of the Ministry of the Environment.
The Polish national parks have carried out numerous research programs and they play an important role in the ecological education of the society. The national parks can be visited as they provide a well-developed tourism infrastructure. Many of them offer specially prepared trails, educational centres and natural history museums.
ImageNameName originSeatLocationArea YearSymbolUNESCO statusNeighboring national parks
Babia Góra National ParkBabia Góra MassifZawoja33.921955 Laserpitium archangelica
Laserpitium archangelica
Biosphere reserveHorná Orava Protected Landscape Area, Slovakia
Białowieża National ParkBiałowieża and Białowieża ForestBiałowieża105.021947 Wisent
World Heritage Site, biosphere reserveBelavezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
Biebrza National ParkBiebrza RiverOsowiec-Twierdza near Goniądz592.231993Ruff
Biosphere reserve
Bieszczady National ParkBieszczady MountainsUstrzyki Górne292.011973Lynx
Biosphere reservePoloniny National Park, Slovakia
Tuchola Forest National ParkTuchola and Tuchola ForestCharzykowy near Chojnice47.981996Capercaillie
Drawno National ParkDrawno and Drawa RiverDrawno114.411990Otter
Gorce National ParkGorce MountainsPoręba Wielka70.291981Fire salamander
Fire salamander
Stołowe Mountains National ParkStołowe MountainsKudowa-Zdrój63.401993Sandstone
Sandstone formation
Kampinos National ParkKampinos and Kampinos ForestIzabelin near Warsaw385.441959Moose
Biosphere reserve
Karkonosze National ParkKarkonosze Jelenia Góra55.761959Mountain
Biosphere reserveKrkonošský NP, Czech Republic
Magura National ParkMagura Wątkowska Krempna194.391995Buzzard
Narew National ParkNarew RiverKurowo near Kobylin-Borzymy68.11996Marsh harrier
Marsh harrier
Ojców National ParkOjców Ojców21.461956Bat
Pieniny National ParkPieniny MountainsKrościenko nad Dunajcem23.461954 Trzy Korony
Trzy Korony Mountain and the Dunajec River
Pieninský NP, Slovakia
Polesie National ParkPolesie regionUrszulin97.621990Crane
Biosphere reserveShatskyy NP, Ukraine
Roztocze National ParkRoztocze Zwierzyniec84.831974Konik
Konik horse
Słowiński National ParkSlovincian tribeSmołdzino near Słupsk1861967Seagull
Biosphere reserve
Świętokrzyski National ParkŚwięty Krzyż Mountain and the Świętokrzyskie MountainsBodzentyn76.261950Deer
Tatra National ParkTatra MountainsZakopane211.641954 Tatra chamois
Tatra chamois
Biosphere reserveTatra National Park, Slovakia
Ujście Warty National ParkConfluence of the rivers Warta and OderChyrzyno near Kostrzyn nad Odrą80.382001Bean goose
Bean goose
Wielkopolska National ParkWielkopolska regionJeziory near Mosina75.841957Owl
Wigry National ParkWigry LakeKrzywe150.861989Beaver
Wolin National ParkWolin IslandMisdroy109.371960White-tailed eagle
White-tailed eagle

Baltic Sea coastLowland beltSudete Mountains
Lake beltUpland beltCarpathian Mountains

Museums in national parks

Ordinances issued by the Polish Council of Ministers, establishing individual national parks.
Official websites of individual national parks