List of MeSH codes (C02)

The following is a partial list of the "C" codes for Medical Subject Headings, as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine.
This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes. Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes. For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.
The source for this content is the set of from the NLM.

[virus diseases]

[arbovirus infections]

[african horse sickness]


[dengue fever]

[rift valley fever]

[tick-borne diseases]

[bronchiolitis, viral]

[central nervous system viral diseases]



[dna virus infections]

[adenoviridae infections]

[circoviridae infections]

[hepadnaviridae infections]

[parvoviridae infections]

[encephalitis, arbovirus]

[encephalitis, varicella zoster]

[encephalomyelitis, equine]

[subacute sclerosing panencephalitis]

[eye infections, viral]

[conjunctivitis, viral]

[herpes zoster ophthalmicus]

[keratitis, herpetic]

[hepatitis, viral, animal]

[hepatitis, infectious canine]

[rift valley fever]

[hepatitis, viral, human]

[hepatitis a]

[hepatitis b]

[meningitis, viral]

[lymphocytic choriomeningitis]

[meningitis, aseptic]

[opportunistic infections]

[aids-related opportunistic infections]


[pneumonia, viral]

[rna virus infections]

[arenaviridae infections]

[birnaviridae infections]

[bunyaviridae infections]

[mononegavirales infections]

[sexually transmitted diseases, viral]

[erythema infectiosum]

[exanthema subitum]

[herpes simplex]


[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome]

[aids-related complex]

[aleutian mink disease]

[equine infectious anemia]

[feline [acquired immunodeficiency syndrome]]

[leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal]

[pneumonia, progressive interstitial, of sheep]

[simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome]

[subacute sclerosing panencephalitis]


[tumor virus infections]

[avian leukosis]

[epstein-barr virus infections]

[murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome]

[papillomavirus infections]

[pulmonary adenomatosis, ovine]

[sarcoma, avian]



The list continues at List of MeSH codes.