List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients (Ha–Hm)

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its variants were the highest awards in the military and paramilitary forces of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded for a wide range of reasons and across all ranks, from a senior commander for skilled leadership of his troops in battle to a low-ranking soldier for a single act of extreme gallantry. A total of 7,321 awards were made between its first presentation on 30 September 1939 and its last bestowal on 17 June 1945. This number is based on the acceptance by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients. Presentations were made to members of the three military branches of the Wehrmacht—the Heer, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe —as well as the Waffen-SS, the Reichsarbeitsdienst and the Volkssturm. There were also 43 foreign recipients of the award.
These recipients are listed in the 1986 edition of Walther-Peer Fellgiebel's book, Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939–1945 — The Bearers of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross 1939–1945. Fellgiebel was the former chairman and head of the order commission of the AKCR. In 1996 a second edition of this book was published with an addendum delisting 11 of these original recipients. Author Veit Scherzer has cast doubt on a further 193 of these listings. The majority of the disputed recipients had received the award in 1945, when the deteriorating situation of Germany during the final days of World War II left a number of nominations incomplete and pending in various stages of the approval process.
Listed here are the 437 Knight's Cross recipients of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS whose last name is in the range "Ha–Hm". Fellgiebel himself delisted one and Scherzer has challenged the validity of 15 more of these listings. This is the first of two lists of all 661 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients whose last name starts with "H". The recipients whose last name is in the range "Hn–Hz" are listed at List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients. The recipients are initially ordered alphabetically by last name. The rank listed is the recipient's rank at the time the Knight's Cross was awarded.


The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grades were based on four separate enactments. The first enactment, Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1573 of 1 September 1939 instituted the Iron Cross, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. Article 2 of the enactment mandated that the award of a higher class be preceded by the award of all preceding classes. As the war progressed, some of the recipients of the Knight's Cross distinguished themselves further and a higher grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, was instituted. The Oak Leaves, as they were commonly referred to, were based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 849 of 3 June 1940. In 1941, two higher grades of the Knight's Cross were instituted. The enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 introduced the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. At the end of 1944 the final grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds, based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11 of 29 December 1944, became the final variant of the Knight's Cross authorized.


The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht kept separate Knight's Cross lists for the Waffen-SS and for each of the three military branches, the Heer, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe. Within each of these lists a unique sequential number was assigned to each recipient. The same numbering paradigm was applied to the higher grades of the Knight's Cross, one list per grade. Of the 437 awards made to servicemen whose last name is in the range "Ha–Hm", 40 were later awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, 12 the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords and one the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds; 33 presentations were made posthumously. Heer members received 275 of the medals; 17 went to the Kriegsmarine, 117 to the Luftwaffe, and 28 to the Waffen-SS. The sequential numbers greater than 843 for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and 143 for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords are unofficial and were assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients and are denoted in parentheses.

NameServiceRankRole and unitDate of awardNotesImage
Kriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur SeeCommander of Schnellboot S-60 in the 3. Schnellbootflottille25 November 1944
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 4771 February 1942
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantStaffelführer of the 5./Jagdgeschwader 5226 April 1945*Killed in action 9 April 1945
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 48514 November 1943
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the I./Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 24425 January 1945*Killed in action 23 December 1944
Heer15-HMajorCommander of Pionier-Lehr-Bataillon 2 and leader of a Kampfgruppe1 April 1942
Heer20-HGeneral der ArtillerieCommanding general of the III. Armeekorps8 June 1940
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 11./Grenadier-Regiment 1222 September 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 4235 September 1944*Killed in action 30 July 1944
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the IV./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet"24 October 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of Panzer-Jäger-Kompanie 11621 February 1945
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 46. Infanterie-Division2 April 1943*Killed in action 10 February 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the III./Zerstörergeschwader 229 October 1942
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 4./Sturzkampfgeschwader 16 January 1942
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Jäger-Regiment 5630 April 1943
+Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the III./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 9 "Germania"14 May 1943Awarded Oak Leaves 18 April 1945?
Heer03-HGefreiterRadio operator in the 4./Artillerie-Regiment 3218 April 1943
+Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 5./Jagdgeschwader 7725 May 1942Awarded 109th Oak Leaves 9 August 1942
78th Swords 9 July 1944
Luftwaffe10-LFahnenjunker-OberfeldwebelPilot in the Stab/Nachtschlachtgruppe 320 March 1945
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 2./Gebirgs-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 947 December 1943
Luftwaffe10-LFahnenjunker-OberfeldwebelPilot in the III./Jagdgeschwader 7719 August 1944
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Nachtjagdgeschwader 627 July 1944
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 181817 March 1945
Heer15-HMajorLeader of Grenadier-Regiment 20 4 May 1944
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Kampfgeschwader 5120 June 1943
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 16. Volksgrenadier-Division28 October 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 21116 March 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 11./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 9918 November 1941
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 6./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet"21 December 1942*Killed in action 10 November 1942
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannChief of the 9./Flak-Regiment 1430 September 1944
Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 126. Infanterie-Division2 March 1945
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 4./Artillerie-Regiment 15721 February 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 30119 November 1943
Waffen-SS14-WSS-HauptsturmführerLeader of the II./SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 24 "Danmark"16 June 1944
+Heer14-HHauptmannChief of the 1./Panzer-Abteilung 10318 December 1942Awarded 590th Oak Leaves 21 September 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 4./Infanterie-Regiment "Großdeutschland" 23 August 1941
Heer19-HGeneralleutnant zur Verwendung Commander of the 61. Infanterie-Division17 September 1941
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 39914 February 1945
Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the II./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5 "Totenkopf"15 August 1943
+Luftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 6./Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders"23 August 1942Awarded 452nd Oak Leaves 11 April 1944
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesChief of the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 6123 September 1943
+Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of the III./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 1394 September 1940Awarded 484th Oak Leaves 4 June 1944
+Luftwaffe15-LMajorGruppenkommandeur of the III./Sturzkampfgeschwader 121 July 1940Awarded 77th Oak Leaves 17 February 1942
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 2672 September 1942
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 1./Nahaufklärungs-Gruppe 1517 April 1945
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän in the II./Nachtjagdgeschwader 112 March 1945
Luftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 4./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"29 February 1944*Killed in flying accident 4 February 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantZugführer in the 2./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 39 July 1941
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 9568 August 1944
Luftwaffe15-LMajorCommander of the II./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment "Hermann Göring"9 June 1944
+Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 48015 November 1941Awarded 676th Oak Leaves 9 December 1944
+Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot of the 4./Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen"24 September 1940Awarded 32nd Oak Leaves 14 August 1941
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Jagdgeschwader 39 July 1941
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the I./Nachtjagdgeschwader 29 July 1941
Luftwaffe15-LMajorCommander of Kampfgruppe 60621 October 1940
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 50710 February 1942
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet"9 June 1944
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantStaffelführer in the III./Schlachtgeschwader 7716 February 1945
Heer16-HOberleutnantChief of the 3./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2328 March 1945
Heer10-HOberwachtmeisterLeader of machine gun squadron in the 2./Aufklärungs-Abteilung 522 September 1941
Luftwaffe16-LOberstleutnant im Generalstab Ia in the 9. Flak-Division 28 January 1943
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Panzer-Regiment 423 November 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of the II./Flak-Regiment 43 9 June 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 6./Sturzkampfgeschwader 7729 February 1944
Waffen-SS12-WSS-UntersturmführerLeader of a Kampfgruppe of the V. SS-Gebirgskorps17 April 1945*Killed in action 27 November 1944
Heer20-HGeneral der ArtillerieChef des Generalstabes des Heeres27 October 1939
Heer14-HHauptmannChief of the 1./Pionier-Bataillon 59 24 June 1941
Luftwaffe15-LMajorGeschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 765 November 1943
Heer01-HGrenadierGunner in the Pakzug in the Stabskompanie/Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10429 July 1942
Heer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 434 June 1944
Heer15-HMajorLeader of Panzer-Feldersatz-Regiment 6328 February 1945*Killed in action 11 February 1945
Heer09-HFeldwebelDeputy leader of the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 628 November 1944
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 95714 April 1945
Heer09-HFahnenjunker-FeldwebelLeader of the 8./Grenadier-Regiment 4264 October 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 5./Grenadier-Regiment "Feldherrnhalle"14 February 1945
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of the I./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 75 September 1944
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän in the III./Sturzkampfgeschwader 33 September 1942
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 75. Infanterie-Division20 December 1941
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot and observer in the 4./Aufklärungs-Gruppe 1229 October 1943
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 5019 December 1944
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 1./Jagdgeschwader 5219 September 1942
Heer12-HLeutnantDeputy leader of the 8./Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 7428 March 1945
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 1191 February 1945
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the II./Kampfgeschwader 35 April 1944
?Waffen-SS18-WSS-Brigadeführer and Generalmajor of the Waffen-SSCommander of a Kampfgruppe in the 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS3 May 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 3./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 8510 September 1943
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 2./Schützen-Regiment 867 March 1941
Luftwaffe09-LFahnenjunker-FeldwebelRadio/wireless operator in the IV./Nachtjagdgeschwader 127 July 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannDeputy leader of the II./Jäger-Regiment 4928 October 1944*Killed in action 14 September 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 95814 April 1945
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 6./Kampfgeschwader 229 October 1944
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 6./Kampfgeschwader 7626 March 1944
?Waffen-SS16-WSS-ObersturmbannführerCommander of Waffen-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 283 May 1945
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the I./Jagdgeschwader 771 July 1942
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 7./Sturzkampfgeschwader 113 August 1942
Waffen-SS17-WSS-Standartenführer and Oberst of the SchupoCommander of SS-Polizei-Schützen-Regiment 3123 August 1944
Heer15-HMajor of the ReservesCommander of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 917 September 1941*Killed in action 23 July 1941
+Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 6./Jagdgeschwader 549 May 1942Awarded 364th Oak Leaves 3 January 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 4265 April 1945
Heer20-HGeneral der ArtillerieCommanding general of the X. Armeekorps3 August 1941
Heer20-HGeneral der KavallerieCommanding general of the LIV. Armeekorps4 September 1941
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmann of the ReservesLeader of the II./Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3 "Hermann Göring"11 February 1945
Heer06-HUnteroffizierRifle leader in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 31715 April 1944*Died of wounds 2 April 1944
+Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of the II./1. SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment of the SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler"28 March 1943Awarded 835th Oak Leaves 17 April 1945
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 55416 October 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 10913 September 1943
Heer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in Infanterie-Nachrichten-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Kompanie 20828 March 1945
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 4388 August 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän in the II./Jagdgeschwader 772 February 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Schützen-Regiment 515 November 1941
+Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of 23 January 1942Awarded 89th Oak Leaves 23 April 1942
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Panzer-Regiment 2910 February 1945
Heer15-HMajorChief of the 11./Infanterie-Regiment 25 30 November 1940
+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän in the III./Jagdgeschwader 535 December 1943Awarded 727th Oak Leaves 1 February 1945
+Luftwaffe15-LMajor im Generalstab Chief of the Generalstab of the X. Fliegerkorps4 May 1940Awarded 8th Oak Leaves 30 January 1941
+Waffen-SS16-WSS-ObersturmbannführerCommander of SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3 "Deutschland"31 March 1943Awarded 296th Oak Leaves 7 September 1943
116th Swords 15 December 1944
Heer16-HOberstleutnant of the ReservesCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 3901 February 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 10./Panzer-Regiment 2117 January 1942
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 31314 February 1945
+Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 12. Panzer-Division13 August 1941Awarded 55th Oak Leaves 31 December 1941
36th Swords 15 September 1943
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantZugführer in the I./Flak-Regiment 1814 June 1940
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the III./Infanterie-Regiment 46916 February 1942
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelführer of the 7./Kampfgeschwader 7624 March 1943
Heer10-HFahnenjunker-OberfeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 25331 August 1943
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantObserver in the 9./Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg"15 October 1942
Luftwaffe10-LOberfähnrichZugführer in the 2./Fallschirm-Panzer-Regiment "Hermann Göring"23 February 1945
Heer20-HGeneral der KavallerieCommanding general of the I. Kavallerie-Korps21 September 1944
Kriegsmarine15-MKorvettenkapitänCommander of 17 September 1942
Heer06-HUnteroffizierPanzer commander in the 12./Panzer-Regiment 2122 January 1943
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelPioneer Zugführer in the 5./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 1112 June 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantChief of the 3./leichte Flak Abteilung 91 4 February 1942
Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 71. Infanterie-Division8 October 1942
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 11./Grenadier-Regiment 33712 March 1943
+Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 9./Jagdgeschwader 5229 October 1943Awarded 420th Oak Leaves 2 March 1944
75th Swords 2 July 1944
18th Diamonds 25 August 1944
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Pionier-Bataillon 3431 August 1943
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader in Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung "Breslau"30 April 1945
Heer20-HGeneral der ArtillerieCommanding general of the XXX. Armeekorps5 August 1940
+Heer17-HOberstArtilleriekommandeur 14010 August 1941Awarded 340th Oak Leaves 30 November 1943
139th Swords 18 March 1945
+Kriegsmarine15-MKorvettenkapitänCommander of 9 May 1940Awarded 645th Oak Leaves 5 November 1944
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of Pionier-Bataillon 84 October 1944
?Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 50228 April 1945
?Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 128 May 1945
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 4316 February 1944
?Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 3319 May 1945
Waffen-SS16-WSS-ObersturmbannführerIa of the 9. SS-Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen"21 September 1944
Heer10-HOberfähnrichOrdonnanzoffizier of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 48127 August 1943
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 9873 November 1944
Heer15-HMajorGeneral staff officer with the commander of the fortress Schneidemühl 12 February 1945
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 14./Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelcke"12 November 1943
Heer13-HOberleutnantCompany leader in the Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 626 August 1943
?Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of Panzer-Brückenkolonne in the Panzer-Pionier-Battalion 1627 April 1945
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 170. Infanterie-Division18 February 1945
Waffen-SS13-WSS-ObersturmführerLeader of the 11./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"6 August 1944
+Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 30. Infanterie-Division12 August 1944Awarded 698th Oak Leaves 14 January 1945
Heer15-HMajorCommander of Panzer-Verband 70017 June 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of the II./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 125 September 1944
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 305. Infanterie-Division11 June 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 6./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 11224 November 1943*Killed in action 18 October 1943
+Heer17-HOberstCommander of the 4. Panzer-Brigade25 August 1941Awarded 129th Oak Leaves 27 September 1942
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the III./Jäger-Regiment 7531 January 1944*Killed in action 3 January 1944
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 46. Infanterie-Division25 July 1943
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 9./Zerstörergeschwader 26 "Horst Wessel"21 December 1942
Luftwaffe10-LFahnenjunker-OberfeldwebelPilot in the 4./Zerstörergeschwader 768 August 1944
?Waffen-SS13-WSS-ObersturmführerChief of the 1./SS-Jagdpanzer-Abteilung 56128 April 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnantRegiment adjutant in the Infanterie-Regiment 778 August 1941
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 8./Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow"3 February 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of Kradschützen-Bataillon 5515 March 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the III./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 11520 November 1942
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 5512 February 1944
+Heer17-HOberstCommander of Panzer-Regiment 254 December 1941Awarded 376th Oak Leaves 26 January 1944
?Waffen-SS15-WSS-Sturmbannführer and Major of the SchutzpolizeiCommander of the I./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 4 "Der Führer"6 May 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 35 17 August 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän in the I./Kampfgeschwader 5123 December 1942
+Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of Kradschützen-Bataillon 6125 January 1943Awarded 635th Oak Leaves 28 October 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelLeader of the 3./Jäger-Regiment 2815 May 1942
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the II./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 1394 September 1940
+Waffen-SS19-WSS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant of the Waffen-SSCommander of SS-Division "Reich"8 August 1941Awarded 261st Oak Leaves 28 July 1943
90th Swords 26 August 1944
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 8610 May 1943
?Waffen-SS12-WSS-UntersturmführerZugführer in the 1./SS-Polizei-Panzer-Abteilung 49 May 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesAdjutant in the III./Grenadier-Regiment 41322 January 1944
+Heer17-HOberstLeader of the 8. Panzer-Division8 March 1945Awarded Oak Leaves 30 April 1945
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelLeader of the bicycle platoon in the Stabskompanie/Grenadier-Regiment 69114 August 1943
Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantChief of the 2. Artillerieträger-Flottille3 July 1944
Kriegsmarine15-MKorvettenkapitänCommander of 21 January 1945
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 66627 October 1943
Luftwaffe15-LMajorCommander of Flak-Regiment 135 7 March 1942
Heer13-HOberleutnantOrdonnanzoffizier in Grenadier-Regiment 109111 March 1945
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Pionier-Bataillon 29 5 August 1940
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 4./Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet"19 September 1942
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 48728 December 1943
Waffen-SS14-WSS-HauptsturmführerLeader of SS-Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 5 "Wiking"18 November 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Volks-Artillerie-Regiment 17830 April 1945*Killed in action 22 March 1945
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Großdeutschland"17 February 1945*Killed in action 6 February 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of Panzer-Abteilung 106 "Feldherrnhalle"13 January 1945*Killed in action 9 January 1945
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Panzer-Abteilung 188 October 1943*Died of wounds 28 July 1943
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the II./Jäger-Regiment 22721 September 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 4./Artillerie-Regiment 9620 January 1943
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 42828 October 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 21610 December 1942
Heer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in Grenadier-Regiment 109217 April 1945
+Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 12931 January 1944Awarded 742nd Oak Leaves 17 February 1945
Heer15-HMajor of the ReservesLeader of Grenadier-Regiment 4356 March 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannCommanded to general staff training in the Stab of the 336. Infanterie-Division14 May 1944*Killed in action 13 April 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of Pionier-Bataillon 15011 March 1945
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantObserver in the 1./Aufklärungs-Gruppe 1203 June 1941
Heer17-HOberst im Generalstab Chief of the general staff of the XXIV. Panzerkorps8 February 1943
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantLeader of the 5./gem. Flak-Abteilung 314 24 October 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 2325 April 1945*Killed in action 4 February 1945
+Luftwaffe17-LOberstCommander of Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 314 June 1941Awarded 382nd Oak Leaves 5 February 1944
55th Swords 25 March 1944
Heer15-HMajorLeader of Grenadier-Regiment 50927 August 1944
Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of 12 April 1943
Luftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 3./Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"8 August 1944
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Pionier-Bataillon 70 13 January 1942
?Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 5./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1269 May 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 5527 October 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the II./Schützen-Regiment 712 April 1942
+Luftwaffe15-LMajorCommander of the III./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 314 June 1941Awarded 412th Oak Leaves 2 March 1944
67th Swords 15 May 1944
Waffen-SS17-WSS-OberführerCommander of the 15. Waffen-Grenadier-Division of the SS23 August 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 6719 June 1944
Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 14. Panzer-Division30 August 1942
Heer06-HUnteroffizierTruppführer in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 1163 July 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 10 5 December 1943
Waffen-SS14-WSS-HauptsturmführerCommander of SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"23 February 1944
+Heer06-HUnteroffizierZugführer in the 10./Infanterie-Regiment 2093 September 1940Awarded 120th Oak Leaves 6 September 1942
Heer06-HUnteroffizierGeschützführer in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 1218 December 1944
Waffen-SS13-WSS-Obersturmführer of the ReservesChief of the 2./SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 "Wiking"4 May 1944
+Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 199 "List"9 February 1943Awarded 328th Oak Leaves 18 November 1943
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot and observer in the Fern-Aufklärungs-Gruppe des OBdL21 October 1942
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 4991 May 1943
Luftwaffe09-LFahnenjunker-FeldwebelRadio/wireless operator in the I./Nachtjagdgeschwader 217 April 1945
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 9./Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelcke"9 December 1942
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 1./Panzer-Zerstörer-Abteilung 15628 February 1945
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugtruppführer in the 15./Grenadier-Regiment 361 16 November 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 3./Artillerie-Regiment 26715 March 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 2./Gebirgs-Pionier-Bataillon 8330 December 1943
Luftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 3./Schnellkampfgeschwader 1020 July 1944*Killed in action 22 May 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 1./Panzer-Abteilung Führer-Grenadier-Brigade9 December 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 2413 September 1941
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the II./Kampfgeschwader 5422 June 1941*Killed in action 28 May 1941
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 32810 June 1943
+Heer20-HGeneral der InfanterieCommanding general of the XXXXIII. Armeekorps18 September 1941Awarded 333rd Oak Leaves 24 November 1943
136th Swords 3 March 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 43114 February 1945
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 9./Lehrgeschwader 117 October 1942
Luftwaffe06-LUnteroffizierGeschützführer in the 3./Flak-Regiment 33 in the DAK7 March 1942
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 2./Pionier-Bataillon 16930 September 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 2./Pionier-Bataillon 3 6 November 1942
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 12./Infanterie-Regiment 423 May 1942
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the IV./Kampfgeschwader 763 September 1942
Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 2./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 1619 December 1944
?Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 28. Jäger-Division27 July 1944
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesLeader of the III./Artillerie-Regiment 24115 October 1942
+Heer20-HGeneral der ArtillerieCommanding general of the VIII. Armeekorps4 September 1940Awarded 156th Oak Leaves 21 December 1942
Waffen-SS09-WSS-OberscharführerZugführer in the 7./SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 24 "Danmark"23 August 1944
+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 4./Lehrgeschwader 124 November 1940Awarded 64th Oak Leaves 16 January 1942
20th Swords 28 September 1942
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantZugführer in the 1./Ersatz-Bataillon Luftwaffen-Kommando Don3 April 1943
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 2./Füssilier-Regiment 2212 December 1944
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 5317 March 1945
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesLeader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 35316 November 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 361 5 September 1944
+Heer20-HGeneral der ArtillerieCommanding general of the VII. Armeekorps1 February 1943Awarded 487th Oak Leaves 4 June 1944
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the III./Zerstörergeschwader 26 "Horst Wessel"21 August 1941
Heer14-HHauptmannChief of the 1./Pionier-Bataillon 37125 July 1942
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2121 November 1942
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantLeader of the 1./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 36 October 1944
Kriegsmarine13-MKapitän der Handelsmarine Captain of Blockadebrecher Motorschiff "Osorno"6 January 1944
Waffen-SS13-WSS-Obersturmführer of the ReservesChief of the 6./SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 49 "De Ruyter"5 March 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the 2./Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 27020 December 1943
Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 243. Infanterie-Division2 September 1944*Killed in action 17 June 1944
Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of 3 February 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantOrdonnanzoffizier of the II./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 145 November 1942
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 944 October 1944
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 48013 September 1943
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 69514 September 1942*Killed in action 28 July 1942
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 42621 August 1941
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 3./Aufklärungs-Gruppe 12219 September 1942
Heer14-HHauptmann of the Reserves zur Verwendung Leader of the 2./Feldzeug-Bataillon 1618 July 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of Pionier-Bataillon 32628 March 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannChief of the Stabs-Batterie/Flak-Lehr-Regiment 30 December 1942
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesBattalion leader with fortress commander Kolberg 30 April 1945
Heer06-HUnteroffizierPanzer driver in the 9./Panzer-Regiment 3326 March 1943
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 2117 March 1945
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of the Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 13725 August 1941
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 2./Transportgeschwader 39 June 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 9812 September 1941
?Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannChief of the 1./Fallschirm-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 1228 April 1945
Waffen-SS09-WSS-OberscharführerZugführer in the 3./SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"12 February 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 30615 May 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantZugführer in the 7./Reiter-Regiment 416 October 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Pionier-Landungs-Regiment 770 4 August 1943
Heer11-HStabsfeldwebelZugführer in the 1./Panzer-Abteilung 11826 December 1944
+Kriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur See zur Verwendung Commander of 17 December 1942Awarded 257th Oak Leaves 4 July 1943
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 39010 September 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the II./Werfer-Regiment 7019 September 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 9./Kampfgeschwader 5112 April 1942
Kriegsmarine18-MKonteradmiralSea commander Normandy26 June 1944
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 1./Kampfgeschwader 263 September 1942*Killed in action 4 July 1942
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 3721 August 1941
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the Stabskompanie/Füssilier-Regiment 229 June 1944
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelPilot in the 1./Kampfgeschwader 7722 May 1942
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 1./Kampfgeschwader 4 "General Wever"14 May 1942
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 408 February 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the II./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1314 April 1943
+Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 16. Infanterie-Division 13 October 1941Awarded 350th Oak Leaves 9 December 1943
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 2./Panzer-Regiment 1526 December 1941
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of Panzer-Füsilier-Bataillon of the Führer-Grenadier-Brigade5 March 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesRegiment adjutant in Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1268 August 1944
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelRadio operator in the III./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"25 November 1943
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 8./Infanterie-Regiment 41818 September 1942
Heer14-HHauptmannDeputy commander of the leichte Flak-Abteilung 949 June 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 109531 October 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 2./Kradschützen-Bataillon 298 August 1941
+Heer17-HOberstCommander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 11015 January 1944Awarded 709th Oak Leaves 21 January 1945
+Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 1./Sturzkampfgeschwader 7715 July 1942Awarded 481st Oak Leaves 20 May 1944
+Heer15-HMajor of the ReservesCommander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 5182 October 1942Awarded 703rd Oak Leaves 18 January 1945
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 51710 September 1942
Heer16-HOberstleutnant of the ReservesCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 38012 August 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 28924 December 1944
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelZugführer in the II./Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Hermann Göring"26 March 1945
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the II./Füsilier-Regiment "Großdeutschland"30 September 1943
Heer17-HOberstLeader of Kampfgruppe "von Herff" in the DAK13 June 1941
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 18916 April 1944
?Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 11714 September 1942
+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Nachtjagdgeschwader 420 June 1943Awarded 451st Oak Leaves 11 April 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 42630 April 1943
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the 14./Kampfgeschwader 556 December 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelführer of the 7./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"4 March 1943
Heer14-HHauptmannChief of the 9./Artillerie-Regiment 25317 April 1945
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 324 September 1942*Killed in action 4 August 1942
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 10018 December 1944
Luftwaffe09-LFeldwebelPilot in the 2./Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"6 December 1944
Heer17-HOberst of the ReservesCommander of Jäger-Regiment 384 24 December 1944
Heer03-HGefreiterCompany messenger in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 46411 June 1944
+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Jagdgeschwader 1126 March 1944Awarded 748th Oak Leaves 19 February 1945
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 10 13 October 1941
Heer14-HHauptmannCommander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 2126 March 1944
+Heer17-HOberstCommander of the 13. Schützen-Brigade2 October 1941Awarded 110th Oak Leaves 9 August 1942
117th Swords 18 December 1944
Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 18. Infanterie-Division 22 September 1941
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 4./Kampfgeschwader 7619 June 1942
Luftwaffe17-LOberstCommander of Flak-Regiment 25 18 July 1944
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 3626 December 1941
Heer13-HOberleutnantLeader of the I./Jäger-Regiment 3831 December 1944
+Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 7./Kampfgeschwader 4 "General Wever"13 October 1940Awarded 269th Oak Leaves 2 August 1943
43rd Swords 23 January 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantChief of the 5./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 19 July 1941
Heer15-HMajorCommander of Pionier-Bataillon 2826 March 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the Stabskompanie/Jäger-Regiment 4916 January 1944
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 2739 June 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1228 October 1944
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 665 January 1944
Heer15-HMajorCommander of the I./Artillerie-Regiment 25829 September 1940
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 778 August 1941*Killed in action 15 July 1941
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 51125 January 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannChief of the 7./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 713 September 1944
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelPioneer Zugführer in the 10./Schützen-Regiment 2521 August 1941
Waffen-SS15-WSS-SturmbannführerCommander of schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 503 in the III.SS-Panzerkorps29 April 1945
+Heer15-HMajor of the ReservesCommander of the II./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 146 April 1944Awarded 798th Oak Leaves 23 March 1945
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Heeres-Sturm-Pionier Brigade 627 17 April 1945
+Heer19-HGeneralleutnantCommander of the 291. Infanterie-Division18 October 1941Awarded 694th Oak Leaves 12 January 1945
Waffen-SS20-WSA-ObergruppenführerLeader of a Volkssturm-Einheit in the fortress Breslau and leader of a Kampfgruppe in the fortress Breslau15 April 1945
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantLeader of the 4./leichte Flak-Abteilung 192 30 September 1944
Kriegsmarine13-MOberleutnant zur See of the ReservesCommander of U-99511 February 1945
Heer15-HMajorLeader of the III./Infanterie-Regiment 120 31 December 1941
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 36610 September 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 646 April 1944
?Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 1659 May 1945
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 2./Aufklärungs-Gruppe 1238 August 1944
Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of 24 June 1941
!Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 28617 September 1943
Heer15-HMajorCommander of Kampfgruppe "Hethey" in the fortress Küstrin14 April 1945
Luftwaffe10-LOberfeldwebelRadio operator and air gunner in the Stabsstaffel/Schlachtgeschwader 7727 July 1944
Luftwaffe15-LMajorIn the Stab/Kampfgeschwader 10020 April 1945
Heer03-HGefreiterSniper in the 7./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 14417 April 1945
Waffen-SS12-WSS-UntersturmführerLeader of the 1./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"17 April 1945
Heer06-HOberjägerGeschützführer in the 16./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 138 February 1944
?Heer10-HOberfeldwebel In a Kampfgruppe z.b.V. Berlin 522 April 1945
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 4./Aufklärungs-Gruppe 145 April 1944
Heer18-HGeneralmajorCommander of the 83. Infanterie-Division9 December 1944
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 10927 March 1942
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän in the III./Kampfgeschwader 545 February 1944
Heer06-HUnteroffizierRichtschütze in the 9./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5922 August 1943
Luftwaffe17-LOberstCommander of Fallschirm-Panzer-Regiment 1 "Hermann Göring"25 June 1944
Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of 3 July 1943
+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of the I./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 39 July 1941Awarded 617th Oak Leaves 30 September 1944
Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 443 March 1945
Kriegsmarine17-MKapitän zur SeeCommander of heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper18 January 1941
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesChief of the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 37727 August 1944
Luftwaffe12-LLeutnantPilot in the III./Jagdgeschwader 5425 November 1942*Killed in action 9 November 1942
Heer14-HRittmeisterCommander of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 15 6 April 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 8./Panzer-Regiment 3117 March 1945
Luftwaffe15-LMajorStaffelkapitän of the 2./Aufklärungs-Gruppe 1413 April 1941
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesZugführer in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 26712 August 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 18216 April 1943
Kriegsmarine15-MKorvettenkapitän of the Reserves zur Verwendung Chief of the 27. Minensuchflottille20 April 1945
Heer14-HRittmeisterCommander of Radfahr-Abteilung 24814 September 1942*Killed in action 4 July 1942
Kriegsmarine14-MKapitänleutnantCommander of 21 January 1943
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 4726 May 1940
Heer14-HHauptmannLeader of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 52220 February 1942
Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 5./Artillerie-Regiment 16823 August 1944
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannPilot in the 3./Kampfgeschwader 265 April 1944
+Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 13./Infanterie-Regiment 4228 October 1942Awarded 641st Oak Leaves 29 October 1944
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 35 April 1944
Heer12-HLeutnantLeader of the 6./Sturm-Regiment 21531 July 1943*Killed in action 11 July 1943
Heer14-HHauptmann of the ReservesLeader of a Kampfgruppe in the V. SS-Gebirgs-Korps 21 April 1945
Heer12-HLeutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 6./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 339 June 1944
Heer06-HOberjägerGroup leader in the 1./Gebirgsjäger-Bataillon 945 April 1944*Killed in action 8 January 1944
+Heer20-HGeneral der InfanterieCommanding general of the LIV. Armeekorps22 August 1943Awarded 542nd Oak Leaves 8 August 1944
Heer15-HMajor of the ReservesCommander of the I./Artillerie-Regiment 20 28 November 1943
Heer06-HUnteroffizierGeschützführer in Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 4619 January 1941
+Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 7./Jäger-Regiment 5614 September 1942Awarded 386th Oak Leaves 8 February 1944
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 19018 February 1945
Heer04-HObergefreiterRichtschütze in the 4./Panzer-Regiment 3513 September 1943*Died of wounds 28 August 1943
Heer10-HOberfeldwebelZugführer in the 14./Infanterie-Regiment "Großdeutschland" 4 September 1940
Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 52823 December 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the II./Kampfgeschwader 3014 June 1940
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannPilot and technical officer in the IV./Transportgeschwader 420 April 1944
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 2./Kampfgeschwader 5125 July 1942
Heer04-HObergefreiterCommander of a SPW in the 8./schweres Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6 11 March 1945*Died of wounds 28 February 1945
Luftwaffe16-LOberstleutnantCommander of Flak-Regiment 101 29 July 1940
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannCommander of the I./Flak-Regiment 40
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantStaffelkapitän of the 3./Erprobungsgruppe 210 24 November 1940
+Waffen-SS12-WSS-UntersturmführerLeader of the 2./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10 "Westland"2 December 1943Awarded 559th Oak Leaves 23 August 1944
Heer17-HOberstCommander of Grenadier-Regiment 25322 October 1943
Luftwaffe16-LOberstleutnantCommander of Flak-Regiment 102 29 July 1940
Heer13-HOberleutnant of the ReservesLeader of the 5./Infanterie-Regiment 74 4 September 1940
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in Nahaufklärungs-Gruppe 327 April 1945
Waffen-SS04-WSS-RottenführerGranatwerfertruppführer in the 6./SS-"Totenkopf"-Infanterie-Regiment 123 October 1942
Heer09-HFeldwebelZugführer in the 3./Schützen-Regiment 418 October 1941
Luftwaffe13-LOberleutnantPilot in the 5./Jagdgeschwader 30024 October 1944*Killed in action 28 July 1944
+Heer13-HOberleutnantChief of the 7./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 9815 November 1941Awarded 164th Oak Leaves 23 December 1942
Heer12-HLeutnantIn the 11./Artillerie-Regiment 29 19 January 1943
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the II./Nachtjagdgeschwader 215 April 1945*Killed in action 14 April 1945
Heer15-HMajorCommander of Heeres-Flak-Bataillon 61713 May 1943
+Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannGruppenkommandeur of the I./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"21 July 1940Awarded 57th Oak Leaves 31 December 1941
+Heer17-HOberstCommander of Artillerie-Regiment 17814 December 1941Awarded 488th Oak Leaves 4 June 1944
Luftwaffe14-LHauptmannStaffelkapitän of the 2./Sturzkampfgeschwader 7722 November 1943
+Heer16-HOberstleutnantCommander of Infanterie-Regiment 21330 October 1941Awarded 65th Oak Leaves 17 January 1942
Heer06-HUnteroffizierGroup leader in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 4623 April 1943
