List of Desperate Housewives episodes

Desperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama-mystery which premiered on ABC on October 3, 2004, in the United States. The first season had a single [|special episode], while the second and third season each had two. Seasons one through eight have been released on DVD in Regions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Desperate Housewives follows the lives of four women–Susan, Lynette, Bree and Gabrielle –through the eyes of Mary Alice, their deceased friend and neighbor.
The vast majority of the episodes are titled after lyrics by composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim. A total of 180 episodes of Desperate Housewives were aired over eight seasons.

Series overview


Season 1 (2004–05)

Season 2 (2005–06)

Season 3 (2006–07)

Season 4 (2007–08)

Season 5 (2008–09)

Season 6 (2009–10)

Season 7 (2010–11)

Season 8 (2011–12)

