List of Chu Ci contents

This is a list of the sections and individual pieces contained within the ancient poetry anthology Chu Ci, also known as Songs of the South or Songs of Chu, which is an anthology of Classical Chinese poetry verse traditionally attributed to Qu Yuan and Song Yu from the Warring States period, though about half of the poems seem to have been composed several centuries later, during the Han Dynasty. The traditional version of the Chu Ci contains 17 major sections, and was edited by Wang Yi, a 2nd-century AD librarian who served under Emperor Shun of Han. The Chu Ci and the Shi Jing together constitute the chief sources of pre-Qin dynasty Chinese verse.

"Encountering Sorrow"

"Li Sao" is one of the most famous of the works contained in the Chu Ci: it mainly is upon a theme of seemingly autobiographical material about the relationship between Qu Yuan and the leadership of the Chu kingdom. Although often interpreted as a political allegory, other aspects of this rather long poem seem to refer to religious and mythological themes derived from the culture of the Chu area. Source text of Li Sao :. One piece.

"Nine Songs"

"Jiu Ge", despite the "Nine" in the title, the "Jiu Ge" actually includes eleven discrete parts or songs. These seem to represent some shamanistic dramatic practices of the Yangzi River valley area and other areas involving the invocation of divine beings and seeking their blessings by means of a process of courtship. Text :
The titles of the poems in Chinese are as follows. English translations of titles follow David Hawkes:
Standard orderEnglish translationTranscription Traditional ChineseSimplified Chinese
1The Great Unity, God of the Eastern Sky"Dong Huang Tai Yi"東皇太一东皇太一
2The Lord within the Clouds"Yun Zhong Jun"雲中君云中君
3The Goddess of the Xiang"Xiang Jun"湘君湘君
4The Lady of the Xiang"Xiang Fu Ren"湘夫人湘夫人
5The Greater Master of Fate"Da Si Ming"大司命大司命
6The Lesser Master of Fate"Shao Si Ming"少司命少司命
7The Lord of the East"Dong Jun"東君东君
8The River Earl"He Bo"河伯河伯
9The Mountain Spirit"Shan Gui"山鬼山鬼
10Hymn to the Fallen"Guo Shang"國殤国殇
11Honouring the Dead"Li Hun"禮魂礼魂

"Heavenly Questions"

"Tian Wen", also known as Questions to Heaven, addressed to Tian, consists of series of questions, 172 in all, in verse format. The series of questions asked involves Chinese mythology and ancient Chinese religious beliefs. The answers are not explicated. Text :. One piece.

"Nine Pieces"

"Jiu Zhang" consists of nine pieces of poetry, one of which is the "Lament for Ying". Ying was the name of one of the traditional capital cities of Qu Yuan's homeland of Chu. However, both the city of Ying and the entire state of Chu itself experienced doom due to the expansion of the state of Qin, which ended up consolidating China at the expense of the other former independent states: including Qu Yuan's home state — hence the "Lament". Text in Chinese:.
Standard orderEnglish translationTranscription Traditional ChineseSimplified Chinese
1Grieving I Make My PlaintXi Song惜誦惜诵
2Crossing the RiverShe Jiang涉江涉江
3A Lament for YingAi Ying哀郢哀郢
4The Outpouring of Sad ThoughtsChou Si抽思抽思
5Embracing SandHuai Sha懷沙怀沙
6Thinking of a Fair OneSi Meiren思美人思美人
7Alas for the Days Gone ByXi Wangri昔往日昔往日
8In Praise of the Orange-TreeJu Song橘頌橘颂
9Grieving at the Eddying WindBei Hui Feng悲回風悲回风

Note that poem numbers 1, 6, 7, and 9 actually lack titles in the original text; rather, they are named for the sake of convenience after the first few words with which these poems begin. English titles based on David Hawkes' translations.

"Far-off Journey"

"Yuan You" One piece.


"Bu Ju"
. One piece, mixed poetry and prose.

"The Fisherman"

"Yu Fu". Text source :. One piece, mixed poetry and prose.

"Nine Changes"

"Nine Changes". Attributed to Song Yu. Chinese source:. Number of individual pieces uncertain. No separate titles.

"Summons of the Soul"

"Summons of the Soul". Text source :. One piece.

"The Great Summons"

"The Great Summons". Text source :. One piece.

"Sorrow for Troth Betrayed"

"Sorrow for Troth Betrayed". Text source :. One piece, with luan.

"Summons for a Recluse"

"Summons for a Recluse". Textsource :. One piece.

"Seven Remonstrances"

"Seven Remonstrances". Text source :. Seven pieces, plus luan.
"Alas That My Lot Was Not Cast". Chinese text source:. One piece.

"Nine Regrets"

"Nine Regrets". Attributed to Wang Bao, who flourished during the reign of Emperor Xuan of Han. Source text :. Consists of nine sections, plus a luan.
"Nine Laments".. Written by Liu Xiang. Text :. Nine pieces, each one including a final "Lament", entitled 'Embittered Thoughts':
"Nine Longings". By Wang Yi, a Han dynasty librarian and compiler and annotator of the Chu Ci. Chinese text source:. Nine pieces, plus a luan: