List of Canadian Victoria Cross recipients

The Victoria Cross is the highest award of the United Kingdom honours system. It is awarded for gallantry "in the face of the enemy" to members of the British armed forces. It may be awarded posthumously. It was previously awarded to Commonwealth countries, most of which have established their own honours systems and no longer recommend British honours. It may be awarded to a person of any military rank in any service and to civilians under military command although no civilian has received the award since 1879. Since the first awards were presented by Queen Victoria in 1857, two thirds of all awards have been personally presented by the British monarch. These investitures are usually held at Buckingham Palace.


Established in 1856, the Victoria Cross has been awarded to service personnel for extraordinary valour and devotion to duty while facing a hostile force. Between 1858 and 1881 the Victoria Cross could also be awarded for actions taken "under circumstances of extreme danger" not in the face of the enemy. Six people were awarded Victoria Crosses under this clause – one Irish man in 1866 for actions taken during the Fenian raids; five for a single incident in 1867 during the Andaman Islands Expedition. In 1881, VC regulations were amended to only allow acts "in the presence of the enemy".
Since 1993, Canadians have no longer been eligible for the Victoria Cross: that medal has been superseded by the Canadian Victoria Crossof equal honour, but yet to be awarded. The scroll of the Canadian medal differs in that the inscription is in Latin rather than English; by using a language that is an ancestor of French and has greatly contributed to the development of English, the medal avoids linguistic discrimination between Canada's two official languages. The fleur-de-lis, in heraldry long associated with the French crown has been added at the end each scroll. The actual metal of the medal is a distinct Canadian composition.


The Victoria Cross has been presented to 99 Canadians, or people closely associated with Canada, between its creation for acts performed during the Crimean War and 1993 when the Canadian Victoria Cross was instituted. No Canadian has received either honour since 1945.
The first Canadian to be awarded the Victoria Cross was Alexander Roberts Dunn for his actions at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War in 1854. William Hall, a Nova Scotian, was the first black recipient of the Victoria Cross. The last living Canadian recipient of the British Victoria Cross, "Smokey" Smith, died in August 2005.
Seventy-three Victoria Crosses were awarded to Canadians for their actions in the First World War, and Canadians won sixteen VCs during the Second World War. The remaining recipients were awarded the medal for actions performed in the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, a native uprising at a remote Indian Ocean island during the Andaman Islands Expedition, the Battle of Omdurman during the Sudan Campaign of 1896-99, and the Second Boer War.
Timothy O'Hea, a 23-year-old Irishman in the British army, fought a fire in a railway car containing 900 kilograms of ammunition stationed at Danville, Quebec during the Fenian raids. O'Hea is the only VC recipient awarded for actions on Canadian soil.
Seven Canadians were awarded VCs individually on one single day, 2 September 1918, for actions they performed along the 30 km long Drocourt-Quéant Line near Arras, France: Bellenden Hutcheson, Arthur George Knight, William Henry Metcalf, Claude Nunney, Cyrus Wesley Peck, Walter Leigh Rayfield and John Francis Young. Their acts of exceptional valour were performed during Canada's Hundred Days of successful offensive campaigning that helped end the war.


NameDate of actionConflictUnitPerpetuating UnitPlace of actionProvince of originNotes
1918*First World WarThe Queen's York Rangers Cambrai, FranceOntario
1918First World War-Forêt de Mormal, FranceManitoba
1917First World WarRoyal Regiment of CanadaPasschendaele, BelgiumOntario
1944*Second World WarNo. 115 Squadron RAFTrossy St. Maximin, FranceAlberta
1915First World WarBritish Columbia Regiment Kerselaere, BelgiumBritish Columbia
1917*First World WarB Company, Second Battalion, Royal Anglian RegimentPolygon Wood, BelgiumNova Scotia
1917First World WarNo. 60 Squadron RAFCambrai, FranceOntario
1918First World WarRoyal Naval Volunteer ReserveRoyal Naval Volunteer ReserveOstend, BelgiumBritish Columbia
1918First World WarRoyal Winnipeg RiflesAmiens, FranceManitoba
1918*First World WarRoyal 22nd RegimentMeharicourt, FranceQuebec
1917*First World WarRoyal Winnipeg Rifles and Calgary HighlandersLoos, FranceOntario
1918*First World WarSaskatchewan DragoonsValenciennes, FranceSaskatchewan
1915*First World WarRoyal Canadian RegimentGivenchy, FranceOntario
1918First World WarVictoria Rifles of CanadaFresnes, FranceQuebec
1916*First World WarGovernor General's Foot GuardsPozières, FranceManitoba
1900Second Boer WarRoyal Canadian DragoonsRoyal Canadian DragoonsKomati River, South AfricaOntario
1917*First World WarRoyal Winnipeg RiflesAcheville, FranceSaskatchewan
1918First World WarRoyal Winnipeg RiflesHackett Woods, FranceManitoba
1945*Second World WarQueen's Own Rifles of CanadaMooshof, GermanyOntario
1918*First World WarBlack Watch of CanadaAmiens, FranceNova Scotia.
1918First World WarLondon RegimentLondon RegimentJordan, PalestineManitoba
1944Second World WarSouth Alberta Light HorseBattle of Falaise, FranceSaskatchewan
1898Battle of Omdurman, Sudan Campaign21st Lancers17th/21st LancersOmdurman, SudanQuebec
1918*First World WarRoyal Irish RiflesRoyal Irish Regiment Groagie, FranceAlberta
1918First World WarBlack Watch of CanadaParvillers, Francen/a
1867Bravery at Sea, Andaman Islands ExpeditionSouth Wales BorderersLittle Andaman, IndiaOntario
1854Battle of Balaclava, Crimean WarYorkshire RegimentBalaclava, CrimeaOntario
1915*First World WarBlack Watch of CanadaSt. Julien, BelgiumOntario
1918*First World WarLord Strathcona's Horse Lord Strathcona's Horse Bois de Moreuil, FranceBritish Columbia
1942Second World War1st Battalion, The Royal Hamilton Light InfantryRoyal Hamilton Light Infantry Dieppe, FranceOntario
1918First World WarBlack Watch of CanadaHangard Wood, FranceNew Brunswick
1945*Second World WarFleet Air ArmFleet Air ArmHonshū, JapanBritish Columbia
1918First World WarRoyal Canadian RegimentRoyal Canadian RegimentCambrai, FranceNew Brunswick
1915*First World WarRoyal Winnipeg RiflesYpres, BelgiumManitoba
1857Indian rebellion of 1857HMS ShannonnoneLucknow, IndiaNova Scotia
1917First World WarBritish Columbia Regiment Lens, FranceBritish Columbia
1917First World WarLord Strathcona's Horse Lord Strathcona's Horse Guyencourt, FranceAlberta
1917*First World WarQueen's York Rangers Lens, FranceOntario
1944Second World WarRoyal Lincolnshire RegimentRoyal Anglian RegimentNgakyedauk Pass, Burma British Columbia
1900Second Boer WarRoyal Canadian DragoonsRoyal Canadian DragoonsKomati River, South AfricaOntario
1917First World WarGovernor General's Horse GuardsPasschendaele, BelgiumOntario
1918*First World WarWinnipeg GrenadiersBourlon Wood, FranceOntario
1944*Second World WarFaroes, AtlanticOntario
1918First World WarToronto Scottish Regiment Arras, FranceOntario
1918*First World WarRoyal 22e RégimentNeuville-Vitasse, FranceQuebec
1918First World WarQueen's Own Rifles of Canada and Royal Regiment of CanadaBourlon Wood, FranceOntario
1916First World WarLoyal Edmonton Regiment Courcelette, FranceNova Scotia Alberta
1917First World WarLoyal Edmonton Regiment Passchendaele, BelgiumAlberta
1918*First World WarRoyal Winnipeg Rifles and Calgary HighlandersVillers-les-Cagnicourt, FranceSaskatchewan
1917First World WarRoyal Westminster RegimentLens, Francen/a
1917*First World WarGovernor General's Foot GuardsLoos, FranceQuebec
1918First World WarBritish Columbia Regiment Cambrai, FranceOntario
1917First World WarCameron Highlanders of Ottawa Vimy Ridge, FranceOntario
1918First World WarBritish Columbia DragoonsCambrai, FranceBritish Columbia
1944Second World WarWestminster Regiment Royal Westminster RegimentRiver Melfa, ItalyBritish Columbia
1918First World WarRoyal Montreal RegimentGavrelle Sector, FranceAlberta
1917*First World WarCanadian Machine Gun CorpsRoyal Canadian Armoured CorpsMeetscheele Spur, BelgiumOntario Alberta
1918*First World WarNo. 2 Squadron RAFAlbert, FranceManitoba
1918First World War56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA, Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Abancourt, FranceOntario
1942Second World WarSouth Saskatchewan RegimentSouth Saskatchewan RegimentDieppe, FranceBritish Columbia
1918First World WarCanadian Scottish RegimentArras, Francen/a
1917*First World WarCanadian Scottish RegimentThelus, FranceSaskatchewan
1918*First World WarRoyal Regiment of CanadaDemuin, FranceOntario
1918First World WarCanal de L'Escaut, FranceManitoba
1917First World WarPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light InfantryPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light InfantryPasschendaele, BelgiumSaskatchewan
1944*Second World War419 Tactical Fighter Training SquadronCambrai, FranceManitoba
1900Second Boer WarRoyal Army Medical CorpsWakkerstroom, South AfricaNew Brunswick
1918*First World WarCameron Highlanders of Ottawa Drocourt-Queant Line, FranceOntario
1917First World WarLake Superior Scottish RegimentPasschendaele, BelgiumManitoba
1915First World WarIrish GuardsIrish GuardsCuinchy, FranceSaskatchewan
1917First World WarBritish Columbia Regiment Hill 70, FranceBritish Columbia
1941*Second World WarWinnipeg GrenadiersWinnipeg GrenadiersMount Butler, Hong KongManitoba
1917*First World WarKing's Own Calgary Regiment Vimy Ridge, FranceAlberta
1917First World WarSherbrooke HussarsPasschendaele, BelgiumYukon
1918First World WarCanadian Scottish RegimentCagnicourt, FranceNew Brunswick
1942Second World WarHMS WalneyOran, AlgeriaP.E.I
1918First World WarBritish Columbia Regiment Arras, FranceOntario
1857Indian rebellion of 1857The RiflesDelhi, IndiaOntario
1900Second Boer WarStrathcona's HorseLord Strathcona's Horse Wolwespruit, South AfricaSaskatchewan
1916*First World WarCanadian Scottish RegimentSomme, FranceBritish Columbia
1917*First World WarRoyal Winnipeg RiflesPasschendaele, BelgiumNova Scotia Alberta
1918First World WarSherbrooke HussarsMonchy, FranceOntario
1915First World WarCanadian Army Medical CorpsSt. Julien, BelgiumQuebec
1917First World WarQueen's Own Cameron Highlanders of CanadaPasschendaele, BelgiumManitoba
1917*First World WarEssex and Kent ScottishNeuville-St.-Vaast, FranceOntario
1916First World WarIndian Medical ServiceOrah Ruins, MesopotamiaBritish Columbia
1944Second World WarSeaforth Highlanders of CanadaSeaforth Highlanders of CanadaRiver Savio, ItalyBritish Columbia
1918*First World WarPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light InfantryPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light InfantryParvillers, FranceManitoba
1917First World WarFort Garry HorseFort Garry HorseMasnières, FranceManitoba Alberta
1918*First World WarWinnipeg GrenadiersAmiens, FranceManitoba
1945Second World WarEssex Scottish RegimentEssex and Kent ScottishHochwald Forest, GermanyOntario
1945Second World WarRhine, GermanyOntario
1943Second World WarRoyal 22e RégimentRoyal 22e RégimentCasa Berardi, ItalyQuebec
1900Second Boer WarRoyal Canadian DragoonsRoyal Canadian DragoonsKomati River, South AfricaQuebec
1916*First World WarLoyal North Lancashire RegimentLoyal Regiment La Boiselle, FranceBritish Columbia
1918First World WarCanadian Grenadier GuardsDury-Arras Sector, FranceQuebec
1918First World WarNorth Saskatchewan RegimentWarvillers, FranceSaskatchewan