Bibliography of Adolf Hitler
This bibliography of Adolf Hitler is an English only non-fiction bibliography. There are thousands of books written about Hitler; therefore, this is not an all-inclusive list. The list has been segregated into groups to make the list more manageable.
Written by Hitler
- Hitler, A.. Mein Kampf.
- Hitler, A.. Zweites Buch Hitler's Second Book: The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.
- Hitler, A.. My New Order. Reynal & Hitchcock.
- Hitler, A.. My Political Testament.
- Hitler, A.. My Private Will and Testament.
- Hitler, A., et al.. . Chatto & Windus.
- Hitler, A., et al.. Hitler's Letters and Notes. Harper & Row.
- Hitler, A., et al.. Hitler's Table Talk. Enigma Books.
Hitler's speeches
- Baynes, N.. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 – August 1939 V1. London, Oxford University Press.
- Baynes, N.. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 – August 1939 V2. London, Oxford University Press.
- Domarus, M.. '. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- Domarus, M.. '. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- Domarus, M.. '. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- Domarus, M.. '. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
- Miguel, M.. . Miguel Melo Phipps Publishers, Inc.
- Domarus, M., Romane, P., ed.. .
- Domarus, M.. 1932–1945.
Biographies of Hitler
- Bullock, Alan. '. Bantam Books.
- Cross, C.. Adolf Hitler. Hodder and Stoughton.
- Davidson, E.. The Making of Adolf Hitler. Macmillan Pub. Co.
- Davidson, E.. Unmaking of Adolf Hitler. Univ. of Missouri Pr.
- Dufner, A.. Rise of Adolf Hitler. Greenhaven Pr.
- Eberle, Henrik & Uhl, Matthias... New York: Public Affairs.
- Fest, J. . Hitler. Harvest Books.
- Fuchs, T.. A Concise Biography of Adolf Hitler. Berkley.
- Gerber, A.. The life of Adolf Hitler, 1889–1945. Mercury Books. ASIN B0007EAR98
- Giblin, J.. The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. Clarion Books.
- Hanfstaengl, E.. Hitler: The Missing Years. Arcade Publishing.
- Gogerly, L.. Adolf Hitler. Heinemann/Raintree.
- Ham, P.. Young Hitler: The Making of the Führer. Penguin Random House.
- Heiber, H.. Adolf Hitler: A Short Biography. Berg Pub Ltd.
- Heiden, K.. Hitler: A Biography. A.A. Knopf.
- Heyes, E.. Adolf Hitler. Millbrook Pr.
- Housden, K.. Hitler: Biography of a Revolutionary. Routledge.
- Machtan, L.. The Hidden Hitler. Basic Book.
- Marrin, A.. Hitler. Penguin Books
- Maser, W.. Hitler: legend, myth & reality. Harper & Row.
- Nicholls, D.. Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion. ABC-Clio Inc.
- Payne, R.. The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. Cape.
- Price, B.. Adolf Hitler: The Unknown Artist. Stephen Cook.
- Rosenbaum, R.. Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil. Harper Perennial.
- Rubenstein, J.. Adolf Hitler. Franklin Watts.
- Shirer, W.. The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler. Scholastic.
- Smith, B.. Adolf Hitler: His Family, Childhood, and Youth. Hoover Institution Press.
- Smith, Gene. The Horns of the Moon: A short biography of Adolf Hitler. New York City: Charterhouse.
- Stalcup, B.. Adolf Hitler. Greenhaven Pr.
- Stern, J. P. . Hitler: The Führer and the People. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992.
- Tames, R.. Adolf Hitler: An Unauthorized Biography. Heinemann Library.
- Toland, J.. Adolf Hitler. Doubleday.
- Waite, R.. The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler. Da Capo Press.
- Wepman, D.. Adolf Hitler. Chelsea House Pub.
- Williams, J.. Corporal Hitler and the Great War 1914–1918: The List Regiment. Frank Cass.
- Wilson, A. N.. '. Basic Books.
- Volker, U.. Hitler: Volume I: Ascent . The Bodley Head Ltd.
Illustrations of Hitler
- Bildendienst, Z.. Adolf Hitler: Pictures of the Life of the Fuehrer. Northstar Commemoratives.
- Blundell, N.. Pictorial History of Adolf Hitler. World Pubns.
- Kelly, M.. Adolf Hitler. Olympic Marketing Corp.
- Lorant, S.. Sieg Heil: An illustrated history of Germany from Bismarck to Hitler. Bonanza Books.
Medical studies of Hitler
- Eberle, Henrik & Neumann, Hans-Joachim. Was Hitler ILL?: A Final Diagnosis. Polity.
- Heston, L.. The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler: His Illnesses, Doctors, and Drugs. Stein & Day Pub.
- Heston, L.. The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler. Cooper Square Press.
- Lewis, D.. The Man Who Invented Hitler: The Making of the Fuhrer. Headline Book Publishing.
- Murray, Henry A.. Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler: With Predictions of His Future Behavior and Suggestions for Dealing with Him Now and After Germany's Surrender. at Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection, Cornell University Law Library.
- Victor, G.. Hitler: The Pathology of Evil. Potomac Books.
Hitler's diet
- Berry, R.. Hitler: Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover. Pythagorean Books.
- Ferguson, R.. Hitler Was A Vegetarian. Famedram Publishers Ltd.
- Wilson, B.. "Mein Diat; Adolf Hitler's diet" New Statesman, volume 127 issue 4406 page 40.
Directly related to Hitler
- Anderson, K.. Hitler and the Occult. Prometheus Books.
- Arthur, M.. Adolf Hitler: A Chilling Tale of Propaganda. Trident Pr. Intl.
- Boldt, G. Hitler's Last Days: An Eye-Witness Account. . Translated by Sandra Bance.
- Bracher, Karl D. The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure, and Effects of National Socialism. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970. ASIN: B001QKCJKW
- Bullock, A.. . HarperCollins.
- Corvaja, Santi. Hitler and Mussolini: The Secret Meetings. Enigma Books.
- Duroselle, Jean-Baptiste. France and the Nazi Threat: The Collapse of French Diplomacy, 1932–1939. Enigma Books.
- Evans, Richard J.. Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial. Basic Books.
- Haffner, S.. The Meaning of Hitler. Harvard University Press.
- Heiden, K.. Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power. Beacon Press.
- Hamann, B.. Hitler's Vienna. Oxford University Press.
- Dupuy, T.. Military Life of Adolf Hitler, Führer of Germany. F. Watts.
- Jäckel, E. . Hitler's World View: A Blueprint for Power. Oxford University Press.
- Joachimsthaler, A. . The Last Days of Hitler: Legend, Evidence and Truth. Brockhampton Press.
- Kershaw, Ian. The 'Hitler Myth': Image and Reality in the Third Reich. Oxford University Press.
- Knopp, G.. Hitler's Henchmen. Sutton Publishing.
- Knopp, G.. Hitler's Holocaust. Sutton Pubns. Inc.
- Knopp, G.. Hitler's Women. Routledge.
- Lively, S. et al.. The Pink Swastika. Veritas Aeterna Press.
- Lukacs, J.. The Hitler of History. Vintage.
- Lee, S.. Hitler and Nazi Germany. Routledge.
- Ludecke, K.. I Knew Hitler. Archive Media Publishing.
- McDonough, F.. Hitler and the Rise of the Nazi Party. Longman.
- Moorhouse, R.. Killing Hitler. Cape.
- Petrova, A.. The Death of Hitler: The Full Story With New Evidence from Secret Russian Archives. W. W. Norton & Co Inc.
- Rees, Laurence. The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler: Leading Millions into the Abyss. Ebury Publishing.
- Rich, N.. Hitler's War Aims: Ideology, the Nazi State, and the Course of Expansion. W. W. Norton & Company.
- Roberts, S.. The House That Hitler Built. Harper & Brothers.
- Rosenfeld, Alvin. Imagining Hitler Indiana University Press.
- Sayer, I.. The Women Who Knew Hitler: The Private Life of Adolf Hitler. Carroll & Graf.
- Snyder, L.. Hitler and Nazism. Franklin Watts Inc.
- Spielvogel, J.. Hitler and Nazi Germany : A History. Prentice Hall.
- Spotts, F.. Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics. Overlook Press.
- Stackelberg, R.. Hitler's Germany. Routledge.
- Stratigakos, Despina.. Hitler at Home. Yale University Press – analyzing his homes in Berlin, Munich, and Obersalzberg
- Trevor-Roper, H. . The Last Days of Hitler. University Of Chicago Press.
- Weinberg, Gerhard L.. Hitler's Foreign Policy, 1933–1939—The Road to World War II. Enigma Books. 978-1-929631-91-9
- Welch, D.. Hitler: Profile of a Dictator. Routledge.
- Wiskemann, E.. The Rome-Berlin Axis: A History of the Relations between Hitler and Mussolini. Oxford University Press.
- Wistrich, R.. Hitler and the Holocaust. Modern Library..
- Zitelmann, R. Hitler: The Politics of Seduction, London House 2000,.
Indirectly related to Hitler
- Broszat, M.. The Hitler State : The Foundation and Development Of The Internal Structure Of The Third Reich. Longman..
- Deist, Wilhelm, Messerschmidt, Manfred, Wette, Wolfram et al.. Germany and the Second World War. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.
- Evans, Richard J.. Coming Of The Third Reich. Penguin Press.
- Evans, Richard. The Third Reich in Power, 1933–1939. Penguin Press HC.
- Fest, Joachim. Inside Hitler's Bunker : The Last Days of the Third Reich. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- Fest, Joachim. Plotting Hitler's Death: The German Resistance to Hitler, 1933–1945. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
- Frei, N.. National Socialist Rule in Germany: The Führer State 1933–1945. Blackwell Pub.
- Herzstein, R.. Adolf Hitler and the German Trauma, 1913–1945;: An Interpretation of the Nazi Phenomenon. Putnam.
- Johnson, E.. Nazi Terror: The Gestapo, Jews, and Ordinary Germans. Basic Books.
- Kershaw, Ian. The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation. Arnold Publishers.
- Levenda, Peter. Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult. Continuum.
- Megargee, Geoffrey. Inside Hitler's High Command. University Press of Kansas.
- Mitcham, S.. Why Hitler?: The Genesis of the Nazi Reich. Praeger Trade.
- Nicholls, A.. Weimar and the Rise of Hitler. Palgrave Macmillan.
- O'Donnell, J. P. . The Bunker. Da Capo Press.
- Orlow, Dietrich. The Nazi Party, 1919–1945: A Complete History. Enigma Books.
- Rees, L.. . New Press.
- Roth, J. et al.. . Publications International, Ltd.
- Shirer, William . The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Gramercy.
- Shirer, W.. Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934–1941. Viking.
- Speer, A.. Inside the Third Reich. Simon & Schuster.
- Aigner, Dietrich "Hitler's Ultimate Aims – A Programme of World Dominion?" pages 251–266 from Aspects of the Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Bankier, David "Hitler and the Policy-Making Process on the Jewish Question" pages 1–20 from Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 3, 1988.
- Bloch, Eduard "My Patient, Hitler" pages 35–37 from Collier's, March 15, 1941.
- Bloch, Eduard "My Patient, Hitler" pages 69–73 from Collier's, March 22, 1941.
- Binion, Rudolph "Hitler's Concept of "Lebensraum": the Psychological Basis" pages 187–215 from History of Childhood Quarterly, Volume 1, 1973.
- Binion, R. "Foam on the Hitler Wave" pages 552–558 from Journal of Modern History, Volume 46, 1974.
- Bracher, K.D. "The Role of Hitler: Perspectives of Interpretation" pages 193–212 from Fascism: A Reader's Guide, edited by Walter Laqueur, Harmondsworth, 1979.
- Broszat, M. "Hitler and the Genesis of the 'Final Solution': An Assessment of David Irving's Theses" pages 73–125 from Yad Vashem Studies, Volume 13,1979; reprinted pages 390–429 in Aspects of the Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, London: Macmillan, 1985,.
- Bullock, A. "Hitler and the Origins of the Second World War" pages 221–246 from European Diplomacy Between Two Wars, 1919–1939, edited by Hans Gatzke, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972.
- Carr, William "The Hitler Image in the Last Half-Century" pages 462–488 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Erikson, Erik "The Legend of Hitler's Youth" pages 370–396 from Political Man and Social Man edited by Robert Paul Wolff, New York, 1966.
- Fest, J. "On Remembering Adolf Hitler" pages 19–34 from Encounter, Volume 41, October 1973.
- Hale, Oron James "Adolf Hitler: Taxpayer" pages 830–842 from American Historical Review, Volume 60, 1955.
- Hauner, Milan "Did Hitler Want World Domination?" pages 15–32 from Journal of Contemporary History. Volume 13, 1978.
- Hildebrand, K. "Hitler's War Aims" pages 522–530 from The Journal of Modern History, Volume 48, Issue # 3 September 1976.
- Hillgruber, A. "Hitler's Program" pages 49–55 from Germany and the Two World Wars. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981.
- Hillgruber, A. "England's Place in Hitler's Plans for World Dominion" pages 5–22 from Journal of Contemporary History, Volume 9, 1974.
- Hoffmann, Peter "Hitler's Personal Security" pages 151–171 from Police Forces In History, edited by George Mosse, Beverly Hills, 1975.
- Hoffmann, P. "Maurice Bavaud's Attempt to Assassinate Hitler in 1938" pages 173–204 from Police Forces In History edited by G. Mosse, Beverly Hills, 1975.
- Kater, M. "Hitler in a Social Context" pages 243–272 from Central European History, Volume 14, 1981.
- Kettenacker, Lothar "Social and Psychological Aspects of the Führer's Rule" pages 96–132 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Koch, H.W. "Hitler and the Origins of the Second World War Second Thoughts on the Status of Some of the Documents" pages 125–143 from The Historical Journal, Volume 11, No. 1 1968.
- Koch, H.W. "Hitler's Programme and the Genesis of Operation 'Barbarossa'" pages 285–324 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Michaelis, Meier "World Power Status or World Dominion? A Survey of the Literature on Hitler's 'Plan of World Dominion' " pages 331–360 from Historical Journal. Volume 15, 1972.
- Mommsen, H. "Hitler's Position in the Nazi System" pages 163–188 from From Weimar to Auschwitz. Oxford, 1991.
- Mommsen, H. "Reflections on the Position of Hitler and Göring in the Third Reich" pages 86–97 from Reevaluating the Third Reich edited by Jane Caplan and Thomas Childers, New York, 1993.
- Preston, Paul "Franco and Hitler: The Myth of Hendaye 1940" pages 1–16 from Contemporary European History, Volume 1, 1992.
- Robertson, E.M. "Hitler's Planning for War and the Response of the Great Powers" pages 196–234 from Aspects of the Third Reich, edited by H.W. Koch, Macmillan: London, 1985.
- Trevor-Roper, H. "Hitlers Kriegsziele" pages 121–133 from Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitsgeschichte, Volume 8, 1960, translated into English as "Hitler's War Aims" pages 235–250 from Aspects of The Third Reich edited by H.W. Koch, London: Macmillan Ltd, 1985.
- Watt, D.C. "Hitler's Visit to Rome and the May Weekend Crisis: A Study In Hitler's Response to External Stimuli" pages 23–32 from Journal of Contemporary History, Volume 9, 1974.
- Weinberg, G. "Adolf Hitler" pages 5–38 from Visions of Victory The Hopes of Eight World War II Leaders, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- Weinberg, G. "Hitler's Private Testament of May 2, 1938" pages 415–419 from Journal of Modern History, Volume 27, 1955.
- Weinberg, G. "Hitler's Image of the United States" pages 1006–1021 from American Historical Review, Volume 69, Issue #4, July 1964.
- Weinberg, G. "Hitler and England: Pretense and Reality" pages 299–309 from German Studies Review, Volume 8, 1985.
- Weinberg, G. "The World Through Hitler's Eyes" pages 30–56 from Germany, Hitler and World War II Essays in Modern German and World History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.