Ling Zhen

Ling Zhen is a fictional character in Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels in Chinese literature. Nicknamed "Heaven Shaking Thunder", he ranks 52nd among the 108 Stars of Destiny and 16th among the 72 Earthly Fiends.


Ling Zhen, a native of Yanling, is good in archery and combat. But he is best known for his skill in the making and firing of cannons. The top cannoneer in the Song Empire during his time, he serves as an artillery officer in the imperial capital Dongjing.

Becoming an outlaw

appoints Huyan Zhuo to exterminate the bandits of Liangshan Marsh, at the recommendation of Grand Marshal Gao Qiu, whose cousin Gao Lian, governor of Gaotangzhou, was defeated and killed by the outlaws.
In his first encounter with Liangshan, Huyan is shaken by the capture of Peng Qi, one of his two lieutenants, by the bandits. But he gains the upper hand when he launches his cavalry consisting of groups of chain-linked armoured horses, which charge forth as consolidated units. Overwhelmed, the outlaws have to hole up in their stronghold with the marsh as the buffer as they ponder how to break the chained horses. With his access to Liangshan blocked by the waters, Huyan writes to Dongjing requesting help from Ling Zhen, who could assail the bandits with cannons. Ling arrives and shells the stronghold, with some cannons hitting the shores beyond the marsh, shocking the outlaws.
Wu Yong sends swimmers to steal up to Ling Zheng's artillery platform set up by the bank and overturn it. Incensed, Ling ventures into the marsh in pursuit of the saboteurs. But his boat is capsized by men hiding under the water. Captured and brought before Song Jiang, Ling is won over by the latter's warm treatment. He later helps in the defeat of Huyan Zhuo by startling his cavalry horses with cannon blasts as Liangshan's hooked lance squad ambush and fell them.


Ling Zhen is put in charge of the making of cannons and the deployment of artillery in battles after the 108 Stars of Destiny came together in what is called the Grand Assembly. He participates in the campaigns against the Liao invaders and rebel forces in Song territory following amnesty from Emperor Huizong for Liangshan. In the campaign against Fang La, Ling Zhen is often called upon to bombard an enemy city to create chaos prior to an attack.
Ling Zhen is one of the few Liangshan heroes who survive all the campaigns. He is reinstated as artillery officer in the imperial army.