
Lina or Līna or "Leena" is a feminine given name. It is Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish feminine given name and surname given name that is a short form of a variety of names ending in -lina including Adelina, Angelina, Apollina, Avelina, Carmelina, Carolina, Emelina, Evangelina, Evelina, Guendalina, Karolina, Kjellina, Kolina, Marcelina, Marcellina, Melina, Messalina, Nikolina, Pålina, Paolina, Paulina, Rosalina, and Žaklina. Lina is a Finnish, Italian, and Slovene feminine given name that is a feminine form of Lino, Lin, and Linus. Līna is a Latvian feminine given name.
Lina is a common female given name in Arab countries, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, especially among those born after 1980. It has roots in old Persian, Greek, German, and Arabic.
In 2011 it was one of the most popular female given names in Germany. It was initially used as a shortened form of names such as Karolina, Nikolina, Adelina, Evelina and Paulina. Since "-lina" is a diminutive suffix, it has no meaning of its own in Swedish. The Danish and Norwegian form is "Line".
In Arabic it is a direct Quranic name, meaning "young palm tree". Figuratively, this means "tender" and "delicate".
The Greek writing is Λίνα. In Greek, it means "sunlight", and also refers to the olive crown used for a hero.citation needed
In Persian it means "light", "a ray of sunlight" or "pretty girl".
Lina is also a short form of any female name ending in "-lina", such as Angelina, Evangelina, Carolina, Melina.
Lina is the female form of Linas, a common given name among people of Lithuanian descent. It can also be construed as a rarefeminine form of Linus.
In the Russian language, Lina is a diminutive form of the female name Avelina.
In Arabic "Lina" refers to a small, young palm tree. It means "tender" or "tenderness".
The name Lina also has roots in France and China. In Chinese, "Li" means "pretty" and "Na" means "elegant".

Given name