Lily Goddard

Lily Goddard was an Austrian textile designer born March 14, 1916, in Vienna. She attended the Vienna School of Art where she was taught by, among others, Professor Ernst Gombrich, Professor Joseph Hoffmann and Professor Czisek.
She joined the Chartered Society of Designers in 1950, being very active in the 1960s and 1970s in the Fashion and Textiles Group. She specialised in printed textiles, paper products and carpets and her clients included Liberty textiles, Deeko paperware, Crossley carpets and Sanderson wallpapers. Several examples are available online at VADS - the online resource for visual arts,
She was granted Fellowship of the CSD in 1976. Part of her huge collection of designs, manufactured samples and her cuttings books are housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. She was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 1978.
She taught art at primary, secondary and further education levels and lectured extensively in England and Ireland.
She wrote and published four books, one on coal hole covers and other street furniture and three volumes of poetry.
She married Sidney in 1950 who died in 1972. She died in March 2002 leaving a son, Larry and a granddaughter, Stephanie.

