Created by Mike Baron and Neil Hansen, the character first appears in Punisher Annual #3, Vol. 1. The Lifeform's alter-ego is George Prufrock, who, after exposure to an experimental virus, becomes the Lifeform, an insane and superpowerful being. Possessing two personalities, one a suicidal pacifist and the other an eternally hungry maniac, the Lifeform is in a state of constant mutation, with each of its appearances in the comics depicting it as less and less human-like.
Fictional character history
George Prufrock is the son of a wealthy fanatical right-wing Libertarian named Jethro Prufrock. George is trained physically and mentally by their father in an attempt to prepare them for the world. After graduating from university and despite wanting to be an actor, George becomes a scientist after being convinced to do so by his father who also gets him a job at A.I.M. While working at A.I.M., George is forced into stealing an experimental virus called the Progamma Virus from a biotechnology lab located somewhere in Upstate New York. In the middle of the robbery, is attacked by a guard, who he kills. In the process of the fight, he was exposed to some of the virus. Rapidly mutating due to exposure to the virus, George becomes Lifeform and encounters Punisher at an A.I.M. base and battles him, eventually causing the vigilante to flee when his weapons prove ineffective against George. Following Punisher to his father's mansion, a rambling George bursts on to the scene while Punisher is in the midst of a fire fight with his sister and father. Killing his father, George is presumed dead when the Punisher, after being allowed access to the Prufrock weapons vault by Martha, blasts him in the face with a rocket launcher and knocks him into the ocean. Resurfacing sometime later, Lifeform, now possessing two personalities, one peaceful and the other evil, begins to feed off people while living in the alleys of Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. During an encounter with two gang members named Jet and Spit, Lifeform is forced to flee from them and the recently arrived Daredevil when one of the gang members shoots off its arm with an automatic rifle. While fleeing, Lifeform is drawn into a battle with supervillainess Typhoid Mary who manages to successfully drive off Lifeform by appealing to its peaceful side. Once more driven to wandering, Lifeform attempts to feast on a pair of teenagers only to be stopped by Daredevil. Attempting to appeal to Lifeform and convince it to seek aid, Daredevil can only watch as the Lifeform is attacked by the police with tranquilizers and conventional firearms. Lifeform appears to die when it collapses to the ground and dissolves leaving only a bubbling puddle. Regenerating from his puddle state, Lifeform is approached by Mercy, an extraterrestrial who assists beings wanting to die in committing suicide. Confused by the Lifeform's dual personality, Mercy proceeds to teleport it to a ghost town in the Midwest where Hulk is. Forcing the two minds of the Lifeform into a debate with the Hulk and his alter-ego Dr. Bruce Banner, Mercy's machinations are ultimately fruitless. In the end, Hulk and Lifeform only end up fighting each other. After being knocked into a fire by Hulk and temporarily killed by it, Lifeform regrows and is transported back to New York by Mercy. Despite it begging her to end its life, Mercy refuses to do so and instead changes the Lifeform back into George Prufrock, but neglects to repair his damaged psyche. Mercy's transformation of the Lifeform back into George Prufrock proves only temporary. Over time, George begins to re-mutate. Tracking down a scientist named Lamar Kwiat who worked on the Progamma Virus, George discovers him in a hospital, slowly dying due to having been bitten by a monkey infected by the Progamma Virus that had escaped when George first stole the virus. Telling Lamar his origin and of his encounter with Hulk and Mercy while he steadily mutates and devours anyone who disturbs them, George kills Lamar seeing itself as performing an act of mercy by killing the slowly dying scientist. Devouring everyone in the hospital, the Lifeform draws S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention who contact Mister Fantastic to deal with the creature. With help from Silver Surfer, Mister Fantastic tracks Lifeform, which has grown into a gigantic monstrosity composed of malformed tentacles, mouths, arms, and bulging muscle, to the East River where it had been in the midst of eating marine life. Incapacitating Mister Fantastic, Lifeform is attacked by Silver Surfer, who flies it to a dead planet in space that Galactus had previously consumed with the intent of destroying it. Before Silver Surfer can kill Lifeform, its good personality emerges and begs the Silver Surfer to end its life. Unable to bring himself to kill Lifeform because doing so would mean killing its innocent side, Silver Surfer regrettably leaves the being on the planet where its good side begs to be killed while its evil side starts complaining of its hunger.
Powers and abilities
George Prufock has some experiences in combat including the use of firearms and knives. His Lifeform appearance is always mutating and becoming even more powerful.
In his earliest form, Lifeform has super-strength and could be stunned by gunfire.
In his second form, Lifeform had duel personalities.
In his third form, Lifeform had durability.
In his fourth form, Lifeform had regenerating abilities and can survive on land, water, or in the vacuum of space.