Library and information scientist

A library and information scientist, also known as a library scholar, is a researcher or academic who specializes in the field of library and information science and often participates in scholarly writing about and related to library and information science. A library and information scientist is neither limited to any one subfield of library and information science nor any one particular type of library. These scientists come from all information-related sectors.

Bibliometric mappings

Bibliometric methods have been used to create maps of library and information science, thus identifying the most important researchers as well as their relative connections and identifying emerging trends related to LIS publications within the field.
White and McCain made a map of information science and Åström, Chen, Ibekwe-SanJuan, and Hou, Janssens, Leta, Glanzel, and De Moor, and Zhao and Strotmann constructed some later maps of library and information science.
Jabeen, Yun, Rafiq, and Jabeen mapped the growth and trends of LIS publications.

Notable library and information scientists