Liberty High School (Brentwood, California)

Liberty High School is located in Brentwood, California, United States. Liberty High School is a comprehensive 9-12 grade high school serving approximately 2400 students. It was founded in 1902 as Liberty Union High School.


Liberty is organized into four Small Learning Communities. SLC leadership teams include an Assistant Principal, Counselor, SLC coordinator and Academy Director. Career specific academy programs are available to students in grades 10-12. These programs highlight Business and Technology, Health Careers, Teaching and Learning Careers, Arts and Humanities.
Liberty is well known for their Student Learning Careers, such as the TLC academy for students who plan on childcare or teaching careers, as well as their PADA academy for art-oriented students. In 2017, Liberty High PADA students completed a public beautification project in Oak Meadow Park by crafting a mural.
Liberty High School's official newspaper is The Lion's Roar. This quarterly publication is typically eight pages in length and is produced by approximately twenty students enrolled in Journalism. It was the second place bracket winner of the American Scholastic Press Association's newspaper competition in 2014 and 2015.

Notable alumni

Liberty High School's teams are known as the Lions, and compete in the North Coast Section of the California Interscholastic Federation.


Sports teams offered include:
Liberty won their first CIF state football championship in 2018.