Leopold Ullstein

Leopold Ullstein was the founder and publisher of several successful German newspapers, including B.Z. am Mittag and Berliner Morgenpost. Many of these are still published today. Ullstein was also the founder of the leading German publishing house Ullstein-Verlag.


Early years

Leopold Ullstein was born 6 September 1826 in Fürth, Bavaria of ethnic Jewish parents.

Publishing empire

Death and legacy

Leopold Ullstein died 4 December 1899. He was 73 years old at the time of his death.
Ullstein's publishing empire was carried on after his death by his five sons, since his five daughters were expected to make good marriages and not involve themselves in business. One of the sons, Hermann Ullstein, emigrated from Nazi Germany in December 1938 and published a history of the Ullstein firm.
Following the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in 1933, the Ullstein publishing empire was forcibly "Aryanized." In 1934 the firm, valued at 60 million marks, was sold under duress for 6 million marks.
