Lenos Trigeorgis

Lenos Trigeorgis is the Bank of Cyprus Chair Professor of Finance in the School of Economics and Management, University of Cyprus. He is considered a leading authority on capital budgeting and strategy, having pioneered the field of real options, and having authored several books on related topics.
He has taught at many of the world's top universities including Boston University, MIT, Columbia University, UC Berkeley, London Business School, and the University of Chicago. He has published in numerous journals, and serves on the editorial boards of several journals. He is also President of the Real Options Group, a boutique strategy consulting firm focusing on real options valuation. Every year since 1997, ROG has organized the Annual International Conference on Real Options.
Prof. Trigeorgis is the author of Real Options and co-authored Strategic Investment, and Competitive Strategy. With Michael Brennan, he edited Project Flexibility, Agency, and Competition, and, with Eduardo Schwartz, Real Options and Investment Under Uncertainty.
He received his D.B.A. from Harvard University in 1986.