Legislative Assembly of Macau

The Legislative Assembly is the organ of the legislative branch of Macau. It is a 33-member body comprising 14 directly elected members, 12 indirectly elected members representing functional constituencies and 7 members appointed by the chief executive. It is located at .
It is also known in English as the Legislative Council of Macao, according to the official translation of the territory's basic law.


The Assembly has the following charter:
  1. To enact, amend, suspend or repeal laws;
  2. To examine and approve budgets; and examine the report on audit;
  3. To decide on taxation and approve debts to be undertaken by the government
  4. To debate the policy addresses by the Chief Executive;
  5. To debate any issue concerning public interests;
  6. To receive and handle complaints from Macau residents

    Election results

Legislative Assembly Buildings

The Assembly sits at a special Legislative Assembly building, a modern three storey structure located in the Nam Van area. The press has reported that the Assembly shall be moving to a new building within the next few years.
From 1784 to 1999, the Assembly met at the Leal Senado Building.

Selection Methods

According to the Basic Law of Macau, the number of directly elected legislators has increased from 10 to 12 in 2005, bringing the number of legislators to 29. After 2009, the selection of the Chief Executive may be changed by endorsement of the Legislative Assembly and approval by the National People's Congress Standing Committee.
To change the method for forming the Legislative Assembly require a endorsement of the assembly, agreement by the Chief Executive, and notification to the NPC Standing Committee. Civic organisations in Macau are not well-developed. The ability of Macau residents to change their government is significantly restricted.

List of Composition sessions