Legal XML

Legal XML is a non-profit organization developing in the frame of the OASIS consortium open standards for legal documents, such as electronic court filing, court documents, legal citations, and transcripts, and related applications. The building block for Legal XML standards is eXtensible Markup Language.
LegalDocML and LegalRuleML are affiliated committees and standard proposals of the LegalXML committee.

Origin and organization

The LegalXML initiative was launched in 1998 by lawyers, court administrators, academics and IT experts. The organization of several hundreds of members in 2000, joined in 2002 the international non-profit consortium OASIS as a member section. Member sections are special interest groups within the consortium that keep their own identity and decide themselves on their work program. Its contributing members include international and governmental organizations, courts and judiciary institutions, universities and law schools, as well as technology providers.
LegalXML work is performed by technical committees. The currently active ones are:
Previous technical committees that are no longer active were:
LegalDocumentML TC has adopted Akoma Ntoso 1.0 as OASIS standard for the exchange of parliamentary, legislative and judiciary documents in August 2018.
LegalRuleML TC has adopted, as a first step of its standardization process, the LegalRuleML Core Specifications 1.0 for the definition of normative rules in April 2020.
LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC has adopted Electronic Court Filing specifications version 4.01 as an OASIS standard for the definition of the components, operations and messages of a court filing system in Mai 2013. In April 2019, the committee has adopted in a first step of its standardization process a new version of the specifications, ECF 5.0, as well as the specifications of a compliant web service profile.

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