Lee Beom-seok (foreign minister)

Lee Bum Suk was the Foreign Minister of South Korea from 1982 until his death. He was among the victims of the Rangoon bombing in 1983.
He graduated from Korea University in 1946, and attended University of Maryland in 1961 and George Washington University in 1963.
He served as Head of the Korean Junior Red Cross, Head of the International Organizations division for the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1961, and continued to serve as Assistant to the Ambassador at the UN and the United States, Head of Protocols, Ambassador to Tunisia, Vice President of the Korean Red Cross, Head Representative for the North-South Korea Red Cross talks, Ambassador to India, Head of the Center for Reunification, Secretary-General for the Committee for Peaceful Reunification Policies, and Head Secretary for the President before he became the Foreign Minister in 1983.