Lawyer's Professional Title (Spain)

The Lawyer's Professional Title or License is the professional license in Spain to practice law, which allows legal practice in Spain and the UE.
The Lawyer's Professional Title was created in 2006 by the Law 34/2006. Until the entry into force of said law, the "title" or "license" of Lawyer did not exist as such in Spain.
As for accessing the legal profession, until 2011, just with the Bachelor's Degree in Law, it was possible to join a Bar Association and practice law, but since that year the system changed.

Lawyer's Professional Title (2006)

After EU's Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications and in order to unite all legal practice systems, Spain reformed the accessing the legal profession with the Law 34/2006, of 30 October, on Access to the Professions of Lawyer and Court Representative, which created/introduced the Lawyer's Professional Title, as the professional license to practice law.
In this way, the aforementioned Law created this professional title that before 2006 did not exist in Spain as such, and it established that it is the basic requirement to be able to join a Bar Association and practice law.

Accessing the legal profession (2011)

To apply and develop this Law the Royal Decree 775/2011, of 3 June, which approves the rules set by the LAC was passed by Spanish Government, completing the new accessing the legal profession.
Until 2011, just with the Bachelor of Law, it was possible to join a Bar Association and practice law, Royal Decree 775/2011, of 3 June, established:

Now, in order to obtain the Lawyer's Professional Title it is necessary:
New accessing the legal profession requires: Bachelor's Degree in Law, Master of Laws and Legal Internship and State Examination for Access to the Legal Profession.
Once you have passed the State Examination for Access to the Legal Profession the Ministry of Justice of the Spanish Government gives you the Lawyer's Professional Title and with it you can join a Bar Association and practice law.