Laurent Thévenot

Laurent Thévenot is a French sociologist.


Thévenot is a professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales who co-initiated in France two trends which rejuvenated the critical social sciences, and reached a certain international audience. With Luc Boltanski, he co-authored On Justification 2006 which analyzes the most legitimate repertoires of evaluation governing political, economic and social relationships. It originated the French ‘Pragmatic sociology’ of critique. Thévenot is also one of the founders of the 'Convention School' which has developed analysis of economical, social and political conventions that regulate uncertain coordination.
His research later extended with a book published on the architecture of forms of life, agencies and the ways of engaging with the world: L'action au pluriel. Sociologie des régimes d'engagement. It widens critical approaches to power through the analysis of oppressions on valued ways people are empowered through by engaging with the environment and with others, from intimacy to the level of public conventions.
This framework led to numerous articles and has also been developed and tested in collaborative and comparative research on the political and moral grammars used in differing and making things and issues common. Comparative projects included United States and Russia.
Laurent Thévenot is co-editor of the journal Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales.

Selected publications in English

Pragmatic Sociology and the Extension of Critique: Sociology of Engagements