Laura Summer

Laura Z. Summer is an American voice actress and producer.


Summer's career began in New York City theater, when she was cast in a production of Antony and Cleopatra, directed by Estelle Parsons. Including voice-over work, she has appeared in over 100 commercials. In the 1980s, she was cast as the trainee for Inspector 12, in the Hanes underwear campaign, known for coining the phrase, "They don't say Hanes until I say they say Hanes".
Her voice acting work includes The Real Ghostbusters as Janine Melnitz, Hello Kitty's Paradise as Mimi, Heather Hogwarsh in Super Pig and the Digimon Adventure series as Patamon. She reprised her Patamon role in the sequel, Digimon Adventure 02. Regarding her role in The Real Ghostbusters, she was interviewed concerning the role, and the interview was included in the DVD set put out by Time/Life, The Real Ghostbusters: Complete Collection. She was replaced on The Real Ghostbusters due to some groups complaining that her characterization was too edgy and sexy for young girls.
Summers again reprised her role as Patamon in Digimon:The Movie in 2000. In 2007, Summers was part of the creative team, along with Jim Vallely and Maggie Row, who created the "Hollywood Father/Daughter Purity Ball", a parity of a purity ball. From 2008 through 2013, Summers had a recurring role on the animated The Garfield Show, where she played the dual roles of twins Druisilla and Minerva.
For the Digimon Adventure Tri movie series, Summers was again called upon to provide the voice of Patamon. She voiced the role in all six films in the series. For this role, in 2017 Summer was nominated for a Behind the Voice Actors Awards in the Best Female Supporting Vocal Performance in an Anime Movie/Special category. She will also reprise her role as Patamon in.


Voice actress