Laufenburg District

Laufenburg District is a district of the canton of Aargau, Switzerland, essentially consisting of the upper Fricktal valley in the Aargau Jura south of the Rhine. Its capital is the town of Laufenburg. It has a population of .


The Laufenburg district has an area,, of. Of this area, or 49.2% is used for agricultural purposes, while or 39.2% is forested. Of the rest of the land, or 10.4% is settled.


The Laufenburg district has a population of. , 15.6% of the population are foreign nationals.


there were 13,183 workers who lived in the district. Of these, 9,714 or about 73.7% of the residents worked outside the district while 5,635 people commuted into the district for work. There were a total of 9,104 jobs in the district.


From the, 15,302 or 59.4% were Roman Catholic, while 5,752 or 22.3% belonged to the Swiss Reformed Church. Of the rest of the population, there were 128 individuals who belonged to the Christian Catholic faith.


Of the school age population, there are 2,224 students attending primary school, there are 821 students attending secondary school, there are 555 students attending tertiary or university level schooling in the municipality.



The following changes to the district's municipalities have occurred since 2000: