List of Latin names of countries
This list includes the Roman names of countries, or significant regions, known to the Roman Empire.
Latin Name | English Name |
Achaea | Greece |
Africa | Tunisia |
Aegyptus | Egypt |
Aethiopia | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Albania | Georgia, Azerbaijan |
Anatolia | Turkey |
Anglia | England |
Arabia | Arabian peninsula |
Ariana | Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia |
Armenia | Armenia |
Armorica | Brittany |
Asia | Turkey |
Baetica | Andalusia |
Batavia | Part of the Netherlands |
Belgae | Belgium and the Netherlands |
Bithynia | Turkey |
Bohemia | Bohemia |
Borussia | Prussia |
Britannia | Britain |
Caledonia | Scotland |
Cambria | Wales |
Cilicia | Turkey |
Colchis | Georgia |
Cornubia | Cornwall |
Creta | Crete |
Cyprus | Cyprus |
Cyrenaica | Libya |
Dacia | Romania, Moldova |
Dalmatia | Montenegro |
Dania | Denmark |
Dalmatia | Croatia South, Bosnia and Herzegovina West and South |
Doclea | Montenegro |
Epirus | Epirus: composed of the Albanian South and Greek Epirus |
Finnia | Finland |
Foenicia or Phoenicia | Lebanon |
Galatia | Turkey |
Gallaecia | Galicia and Portugal north |
Gallia | France |
Germania | Germany |
Graecia | Greece |
Helvetia | Switzerland |
Hibernia | Ireland |
Hispania | Spain |
Hongcongum, Siamkiamum | Hong Kong |
Hungaria | Hungary |
Iberia | Iberian peninsula |
Iberia | Georgia |
India | India and the Indian subcontinent |
Islandia | Iceland |
Illyria, Illyricum | Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina South, Serbia South West, Montenegro, Albania North West |
Italia | Mainland Italy |
Iudaea | Judea, Israel |
Lappia | Lapland |
Lechia, | Poland |
Libani | Lebanon |
Libya | Eastern Libya, Western Egypt |
Lituania | Belarus, Lithuania |
Livonia | Estonia and Latvia |
Lusitania | Portugal central and south |
Macedonia | Macedon: composed of Greek Macedonia and North Macedonia |
Mauretania | Morocco North, Algeria North West |
Melitae, Melitensium, Melitensis | Malta |
Moesia | Bulgaria, Serbia |
Moravia | Moravia |
Mundus Novus | New World |
Noricum | mainly Austria South and Slovenia North |
Norvegia | Norway |
Numidia | Algeria North East |
Palaestina | Palestine |
Pannonia | Hungary, Croatia North, Slovenia North East |
Parthia | Iran |
Phoenicia | Lebanon |
, Lechia | Poland |
Pontus | Turkey North East |
Raetia | Switzerland North |
Ruthenia | Russia, Ukraine, Belarus |
Sarmatia | Eastern Europe: Poland, Ukraine, Russia |
Scandinavia | Scandinavian peninsula |
Scotia | Ireland, Scotland |
Scythia | Ukraine, South Russia, Kazakhstan, East Uzbekistan, North Turkmenistan |
Scythia Minor | Dobruja |
Seres, Sinae | China |
Sicilia | Sicily |
Silesia | Silesia |
Suecia | Sweden |
Syria | Syria |
Taprobane | Sri Lanka |
Tarraconensis | Spain North East |
Terra Australis | Australia, Antarctica |
Thracia | Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey |
Tingitania | Morocco |
Tripolitana | Libya |